The text:
à úgolba lièl, à ícsëba týac, yt'tàhlvap'fö kep'à vógë küartëtépia'c të trahartëtépia'c. à vàrthba dèlchë, à cànzba alàlt, yt'tàhlvap'fö kep'à vógë foràpia'c të àchelic.Here part of the scroll is missing. The text resumes with:à yt'éhlsöp'a tétra kèfia'c! à yt'éhlsöp'a latèmi, na-síröp'n lièlpë të týacpë alàltic të dèlchë'c! à yt'éap!
à dëlàfia'c yt'yitönidàhlp'r alàlt, yt'yirhacadàhlp'r týac, yt'yiladadàhlp'r lièl, të dèlchëbità yt'metafàhlp'të!
á úgOlba liÉl, á ícseba tíac, ittálhvapfo kEpá vóge kuartetépiac te trahartetépiac. á várthba dÉlche, á cánzba alált, ittálhvapfo kEpá vóge fOrápiac te áchElic.á itélhsopa tétra kÉfiac! á itélhsopa latÉmi, nasíropn liÉlpe te tíacpe aláltic te dÉlchec! á itéap!
á deláfiac ityitonidálhpr alált, ityirhacadálhpr tíac, ityiladadálhpr liÉl, te dÉlchebitá itmEtafálhpte!
à | úgol | -ba | lièl, | à | ícsë | -ba | týac, | yt- | tà(hl)va | -p | -fö |
O | west | -from | water, | O | east | -from | fire, | may | give.OPT | PRES. | 2ND PP |
O | water from the west, | O | fire from the east, | may | you give |
kep- | à | vó | -gë | küartëté | -pia | -c | të | trahartëté | -pia | -c |
DAT. | 1ST PS | 2ND PP | POSS. | oppose | GER. | ACC. | and | interact | GER. | ACC. |
to | me | your | opposition | and | interaction |
à | vàrth | -ba | dèlchë, | à | cànz | -ba | alàlt, | yt- | tà(hl)va | -p | -fö |
O | south | -from | earth, | O | north | -from | wind, | may | give.OPT | PRES. | 2ND PP |
O | earth from the south, | O | wind from the north, | may | you give |
kep- | à | vó | -gë | forà | -pia | -c | të | àchel | -ic |
DAT. | 1ST PS | 2ND PP | POSS. | separate | GER. | ACC. | and | balance | ACC. |
to | me | your | separation | and | balance |
à | yt- | é(hl)sö | -p | -a | té | -tra | kèf | -ia | -c |
O | may | COP.OPT | PRES. | 1ST PS | 3RD PP | -between | zero | -ness | ACC. |
O | may | I be | the emptiness between them |
à | yt- | é(hl)sö | -p | -a | latèm | -i, | na- | sírö | -p | -n |
O | may | COP.OPT | PRES. | 1ST PS | tree | -like | which | make | PRES. | 3RD PS INAN. |
O | may | I be | like a tree | which | makes |
lièl | -pë | të | týac | -pë | alàlt | -ic | të | dèlchë | -c |
water | -out of | and | fire | -out of | wind | ACC. | and | earth | ACC. |
from water | and | from fire | wind | and | earth |
à | yt- | éa | -p |
O | may | be | PRES. |
So mote it be! |
à | dëlà | -fi | -a | -c | yt- | yi- | töni | -dà | -hl | -p | -r | alàlt, |
O | leave | PASS PT. | RENOM. | ACC. | may | all- | blow | CAUS | OPT | PRES. | 3RD PS | wind |
O | what remains | may | the wind blow away, |
yt- | yirhaca | -dà | hl | -p | -r | týac, | yt- | yi- | lada | -dà | -hl | -p | -r | lièl, |
may | burn up | CAUS | OPT | PRES. | 3RD PS | fire | may | all | flow | CAUS | OPT | PRES. | 3RD PS | water |
may | the fire burn up, | may | the water wash away |
të | dèlchë | -bità | yt- | meta | -fà | -hl | -p | -të! |
and | earth | -under | may | cover | PASS | OPT | PRES. | 3RD PP |
and | under the earth | may | they be buried |
The text contains some new constructions.
While word order remains remarkably free, note the increasing tendency compared to earlier texts for postpositional phrases to precede that which they modify.
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Last updated: 4/22/2002