A rare dated work in Old Ea! In this invaluable account, a priest or priestess recounts the performance of a springtime sacrifice.
.. | úchar | . |
second day | sixth "month" | first year |
Sunday, March 16, 1986 |
cilidit | -àpi | füshín |
rise | ACT.PT | mild season |
Springtime |
à | tírrdë | -n | anílë | -p |
the | bird | -PL | sing | -PRES |
The | birds | sing |
sèsche | lúthi | ëà | -ng | -a |
first | flower | be | -PAST | -PERF |
The first | flower | has existed |
àr | tycàlë | -ng | kep- | lúthi | -àn | -i | týlch |
I | sacrifice | -PAST | DAT- | flower | -PL | -ADJ | goddess |
I | sacrificed | to the flower | goddess |
àr | tycàlë | -ng | lúthi |
I | sacrifice | -PAST | flower |
I | sacrificed | a flower |
tóliö | ëà | -ng | cötýrr |
which | be | -PAST | crocus |
which | was | a crocus |
tè | àr | anìlë | -ng | à | tycàlë | níltë |
and | I | sing | -PAST | ART | sacrifice | song |
and | I | sang | the | sacrifice | song |
tè | àr | tycàlë | -ng | kep- | èaty | -nö | týlch |
and | I | sacrifice | -PAST | DAT- | life | -GEN | goddess |
And | I | sacrificed | to the goddess of life |
alàla | ëàmliö | sëlítya |
EXCL | this | day |
Glory to | this | day |
This early text shows several of the characteristics of Old Ea:
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Last updated: 12/15/2008