-a A] [a] (grammar, nouns): deriv., suff. diminutive. Added 1984.

-a A] [a] (grammar, verbs): pron., suff. 1st p. s. (I). Added 1984-1987.

à ['A] ['a] (grammar, nouns): art. the (sing.). Added 1984-19860316.

àccat ['ACCAT ['atsat] (animals): n. flying insect ("buzzer"), from àsa, -s--t. Added 20090206.

accídö [A'CCIDO] [at'sido] (together and apart): v. to join. Added 1984-1987.

àccö ['atso] (together and apart): v. to gather. Added 1984-1987.

accófi [at'sofi] (together and apart): adj. together. Added 20000330.

accópia [at'sopia] (school and work): n. ISP (gatherer). Added 1998.

àces ['ACÈS] ['akwEs] (physical): n. embers, glowing embers from a fire; by analogy, things heated until glowing. Added 20091128.

àchel ['axEl] (change): n. balance, loosely from chèl. Added 20020421.

acírka [A'CIRKA] [a'kwi4kja] (animals): v. sting, stab, puncture with a sharp body part, loosely from círki. Added 20090321.
Example: dsíman acírkap'n!.

acít [a'kwit] (artifacts): n. bowl. Added 1984-1987.

adís [AD'IS] [a'dis] (animals): n. fur. Added 20070914.

adö [ado] (portentousness): v. to doom. Added 1984-1987.

-adól [a'dol] (comparisons): adj., suff. bad, a bad X, loosely from dóli. -adól is used after consonants, -dól after vowels. See also -atýl. Added 20070824.

-äe [e:E] (grammar, nouns): adj., suff. my, of mine. Added 1984-1987.

-afë [afe] (grammar, verbs): pron., suff. 2nd p. p. (you). Added 1989-1990.

afòrec [a'fO4Ek] (location): n. edge. Added 20060302.

agà [a'ga] (manner): adv. suddenly. Added 20040815.

agyú [a'gju] (emotions): n. rage. Added 20030529.

ahlàn [a'Kan] (kinship): n. one's same-sex parent's same-sex parent. Added 20081219.

aja [aZa] (people): n. maiden. Added 1984-1987.

àkabal ['akjabal] (weather): n. frost. Added 1984-1987.

akàl [a'kjal] (interactions): v. keep, hold, detain, restrain (an animate creature). Added 20090322.

al--a [al a] (comparisons): adj., circf. a young X. Added 20070824.

àlacli ['alakli] (comparisons): adj. young. Added 1989-1990.

àlaclía ['ala'klia] (comparisons): n. young one. Added 20000221.

àlaclira ['alakli4a] (comparisons): adj. younger. Added 1989-1990.

alahlàn [ala'Kan] (kinship): n. one's great-grandparent up one's same-sex line of ancestry, from ahlàn. Added 20081219.

alàla [a'lala] (emotions): exc. glory, joy. Added 1984-19860316.

alàlt [a'lalt] (cosmos): n. wind. Added 1984-1987.

àlbai ['albai] (comparisons): adj. equal. Added 1989-1990.

àlcar ['alkwa4] (music): n. flute. Added 1984-1987.

àlda ['alda] (school and work): n. lunch. Added 1989-1990.

aléa [A'LEA] [a'lea] (animals): n. a wing. Added 20070907.

alíta [A'LITA] [a'lita] (calendar): n. ceremonial non-solar year, loosely from líta. Added 1984-1987.

aljí [al'Zi] (colors): adj. gray. Added 1984-1987.

alóma [AL'OMA] [a'loma] (cosmos): n. evening; the early part of the night, from al--a, hóm. See also lötýa. Added 20111215.

altýa [AL'TYA] [al'tia] (cosmos): n. morning; the early part of the daytime, from al--a, týa. See also löhóma. Added 20111215.

àmë ['AME] ['ame] (body): n. head. Added 20020422.

améa [A'MEA] [a'mea] (people): n. leader, ruler; king or queen; presider, loosely from may be related to: -mëa, àmë, àmpa. Added 20110718 .

àmli ['amli] (wh-words): adj. who. Added 20030529.

àmpa ['ampa] (space): v. extend vertically (as of tall or deep things). Added 20090322.
Example: tacilú àmpap'n.

ampàia [am'paja] (space): n. height, depth; vertical extent, from àmpa, -i, -a. Added 20090322.

-an AN] [an] (grammar, nouns): part., suff. collective plural marker; collective inanimates take singular neuter agreement on the verb; possessors of collectives marked as adjectives instead of with genitive or possessive. -an is used after consonants, -n after vowels. Added 1984.

àn ['AN] ['an] (grammar, nouns): art. the (plur.). Added 1984-1987.

anànë [a'nane] (kinship): n. one's same-sex parent. Added 20081219.

ànccö ['antso] (artifacts): n. gatherer, tool for gathering, from àccö, -n-. Added 20090107.

ànësi ['anesi] (having): adj. full. Added 20060302.

aník [a'nik] (physical): v. to cut. Added 1984-1987.

anílë [a'nile] (music): v. sing. Added 1984-19860316.

aniléfia [ANI'LEFIA] [ani'lefia] (music): n. song, story, from anílë, -fi, -a. Added 20030529.

ankàl [an'kjal] (interactions): v. answer, fulfil, meet a need. Added 20091129.

antýl [an'til] (spirit): n. deity, demigod. Added 1984-1987.

ap- [AP [ap] (physical): deriv., pref. prefix meaning a force, event, group composed of the word prefixed to. Added 20090315.

apakshía [APA'KKIA] [apak'Sia] (physical): n. flame, tongue of flame, from ap-, kshía. Added 20090315.

apalàlt [apa'lalt] (physical): n. gust of wind, from ap-, alàlt. Added 20090315.

-àpat 'APAT] ['apat] (adpositions): adp., suff. beyond, past. -àpat is used after consonants, -pàt after vowels. Added 20000330.

àpatari ['APATARI] ['apata4i] (motion): v. fly away, from -apat, tàri. Added 20090101.
Example: tírrdën àpatarip'të lyíndi pëhlètimnö..

àpati ['APATI] ['apati] (comparisons): adv. far. Added 20000330.

àpatira ['APATIRA] ['apati4a] (comparisons): adv. farther, further. Added 20000330.

apatív [APA'TIV [apa'tiv] (location): n. distant places, (in) the distance, far away, elsewhere, from -àpat, -tív. Added 20090206.
Example: tyaléan tàrisap'n apatívdi..

àpatlica ['apatlikwa] (motion): v. bring or take far away, from -àpat, licà. Added 20090315.

àpatöni ['APATONI] ['apatoni] (physical): v. blow far away, from -àpat, tóni. Added 20020421.

àpatvër ['APATVER] ['apatve4] (motion): v. go away, flee, from -àpat, vér. Added 20030529.

aplièl [apli'El] (physical): n. wave (of water), from ap-, lièl. Added 20090315.

àr ['AR] ['a4] (pronouns): pron. 1st p. s. (I). Added 1984.

àrdrü ['ARDRU] ['a4d4u] (calendar): n. month five. Added 1984-1987.

àrma ['ARMA] ['a4ma] (kinship): n. one's same-sex child; one's younger same-sex sibling's same-sex child; one's same-sex child's same-sex child. Added 20081219.

-art ART [a4t] (adpositions): adp., suff. about, concerning. Added 20030529.

àrtdatë ['a4tdate] (language): v. tell (a story), from -art, té. Added 20030529.

àrte ['ARTÈ] ['a4tE] (animals): n. spiderweb. Added 1984-1987.

artëlàra [a4te'la4a] (interactions): v. to laugh about. Added 20070904.

artëlarafà [ARTELARA'FA] [a4tela4a'fa] (interactions): v. be laughed at, from artëlàra, -fà. Added 20070904.

artëlarafàsa [ARTELARA'FASA] [a4tela4a'fasa] (comparisons): v. be amusing, be laughable-at, from artëlarafà, -sa. Added 20070904.

àrtem ['a4tEm] (unclassified): n. interval. Added 1984-1987.

artétë [a4'tete] (interactions): v. to mediate. Added 1984-1987.

àsa ['ASA] ['asa] (physical): v. buzz. Added 20090206.

-ash ASH] [aS] (adpositions): adp., suff. on. Added 1984-1987.

-ashdi ASHDI] [aSdi] (adpositions): adp., suff. onto. Added 20040815.

ashshír [aS'Si4] (change): v. to grow upon. Added 20040203.

àsi ['ASI] ['asi] (plants): n. holly berry. See also míta. Added 1984-1987.

àss ['ass] (having): v. to lose. Added 1984-1987.

-àt 'AT] ['at] (artifacts): v., suff. to craft something of X material; use to make something. -àt is used after consonants, -tàt after vowels. Added 20070417.

-atýl [a'til] (comparisons): adj., suff. good, a good X, loosely from týli. -atýl is used after consonants, -týl after vowels. See also -adól. Added 20070824.

atým [a'tim] (colors): n. gold. Added 1984-1987.

atymtàt [atim'tat] (artifacts): v. to craft something of gold. Added 20070417.

àtyrr ['atir] (religion): n. ritual. Added 1984-1987.

ayahílë [aja'hile] (emotions): n. confidence. Added 1984-1987.

-ba BA] [ba] (adpositions): adp., suff. from. Added 1984-1987.

bàbë ['BABE] ['babe] (body): n. milk (in baby-talk). See also màbë. Added 20101109 .

bàla ['BALA] ['bala] (animals): n. luna moth, very big moth. Added 20090505.
Example: güsachiléor yilíri - bàlasöp'n.

bàsa ['BASA] ['basa] (animals): n. sheep. Added 20070828.

-bípi ['bipi] (health): deriv., suff. be itchy in the body part to which it is suffixed. Added 20090209.

-bità [bi'ta] (adpositions): adp., suff. under. Added 1989-1990.

blàd- [b'lad] (colors): adj., pref. dark in color. Added 20070824.

-bö BO] [bo] (adpositions): adp., suff. despite. -óbö is used after consonants, -bö after vowels. Added 20060302.

bólie ['boliE] (plants): n. rose blossom. See also flí. Added 1984-1987.

bólta ['bolta] (body): n. finger. Added 20020905.

bóltëc ['boltek] (body): n. claw, (finger-) nail, talon. Added 20040203.

böltélat [bol'telat] (plants): n. oak ("finger-leaf"). Added 20020905.

bònënt ['bOnent] (artifacts): n. hammer, club ("hitter"), from bòntë, -n-. Added 20090107.

bòntë ['bOnte] (physical): v. hit. Added 20040321.

braríliel [BRARILI'ÈL] [b4a'4iliEl] (weather): n. rain, loosely from büràrit, lièl. Added 1984-1987.

búdü ['BUDU] ['budu] (body): n. feces, poop (baby talk), loosely from mispronunciation of búlj. Added 20140311.
Example: búdüc dá, to poop.

bülátë [bu'le:te] (seasons): n. harvest. Added 1984-1987.

búlj ['bulZ] (perception): n. smell, unpleasant or strong odor, stink, stench. Added 20070815.

búlo ['BULÒ] ['bulO] (animals): n. gill of a fish. Added 20070912.

büraló [bu4a'lo] (perception): v. to look down, watch something below. Added 20040203.

büràrit [bu'4a4it] (motion): v. fall, go down, descend. See also cilidít. Added 1984-1987.

-c C [k] (grammar, nouns): part., suff. accusative case ending. -ic is used after consonants, -c after vowels. Added 1984-1987.

càda ['CADA] ['kwada] (animals): n. a tail. Added 20070914.

càla ['kwala] (unclassified): v. to happen to, to befall. Added 20040811.

calàpia [CA'LAPIA] [kwa'lapia] (unclassified): n. happening; befalling, the befalling OF something TO someone, from càla, -pi, -a. Added 20040811.

calaté [kwala'te] (language): v. recount happenings, tell a history, from càla, té. Added 20070728.

càlë ['kwale] (body): n. blood (archaic). Added 1984-1987.

caléaty [CA'LEATY] [kwa'leati] (body): n. flesh. Added 20050122.

calëkàmifap [CALE'KAMIFAP [kwale'kjamifap] (animals): n. mosquito ("blood-gnat"), from càlë, kàmifap. Added 20020905.

càlëlöm ['CALELOM ['kwalelom] (food): n. meat. Added 20050122.

càlëmadü ['kwalemadu] (body): n. menstrual period, from càlë, -madü. Added 20070816.
Example: yirdúria calëmàdüki: PMS.

calënépa [CALE'NEPA] [kwale'nepa] (animals): n. tick ("blood-parasite"). Added 20020905.

càli ['CALI] ['kwali] (colors): adj. red, from càlë, -i. Added 20040806.

calimódö [CALI'MODO] [kwali'modo] (animals): n. ladybug beetle, from càli, módö. Added 20090206.
Example: calimódö càlisöp'n..

càlpa ['kwalpa] (grammar): interj. questioning word. Added 1984-1987.

cànj ['kwanZ] (geography): n. north. Added 20020421.

càr ['kwa4] (change): v. to complete. Added 1984-1987.

carambèdi [CARAM'BÈDI] [kwa4am'bEdi] (plants): n. ivy, evergreen creeper of some sort. Added 20040806.

càrtö ['kwa4to] (geography): n. chart. Added 1989-1990.

càsa ['kwasa] (motion): v. go quickly, hurry, rush. See also dàna. Added 20070730.

càshi ['CASHI] ['kwaSi] (physical): adj. wet on its surface, dripping. See also kàli, síri. Added 20070816.

càsit ['CASIT ['kwasit] (animals): n. ant, from càsa. Added 20081230.

-ccà 'CAC] [t'sa] (comparisons): adj., suff. inherently hot, an inherently hot X. -ëccà is used after consonants, -ccà after vowels. See also -klà. Added 20070824.

ccípa ['CCIPA] [t'sipa] (physical): v. boil something in liquid. Added 20100909 .

-cë CE] [kwe] (adpositions): adp., suff. postpositional version of kep. Added 20070127.

cèl ['CÈL ['kwEl] (plants): n. lily of the valley. Added 198604.

cènlit ['kwEnlit] (wh-words): n. which litènca. Added 1984-1987.

chàkapa ['XAKAPA] ['xakjapa] (food): n. oven. Added 20050122.

chàri ['XARI] ['xa4i] (food): adj. bitter (to the taste). Added 20090321.

ché ['XE] ['xe] (physical): v. radiate (light or heat). Added 20140304.

chèl ['xEl] (change): v. to stay, to remain the same. Added 20020421.

chelàpia [XÈ'LAPIA] [xE'lapia] (change): n. stasis, from chèl, -pi, -a. Added 20020421.

chelèt [xE'lEt] (change): n. preservation. Added 1984-1987.

chèmbel ['XÈMBÈL ['xEmbEl] (calendar): n. festival, holiday. Added 1984-1987.

chèt ['xEt] (having): n. hoarding. Added 1984-1987.

chéva ['xeva] (perception): v. to smell something. Added 20070815.

chëvàia [XE'VAIA] [xe'vaja] (perception): n. sense of smell, from chéva, -i, -a. Added 20070815.

chírr ['XIR] ['xir] (animals): n. cricket. Added 20020905.

chísti ['xisti] (states): v. to be clean. Added 20020421.

chistidà [XISTI'DA] [xisti'da] (physical): v. wash, from chísti, -dà. Added 20020421.

chistípia [XIS'TIPIA] [xis'tipia] (states): n. cleanliness, from chísti,-pi, -a. Added 20020421.

cidóf [kwi'dof] (together and apart): v. to meet. Added 1984-1987.

cidópia [kwi'dopia] (together and apart): n. meeting, coming together. Added 20000221.

cili- [kwili] (grammar, verbs): adv., pref. upward (modifies verbs), from cilidít. Added 20040203.

cíli ['kwili] (time): adv. forever. Added 1984-1987.

cilidéaty [CILI'DEATY] [kwili'deati] (mind): n. thought, consciousness (formal), from cilidít, éaty. See also lidéia. Added 1984-1987.

cilidëatými [CILIDEA'TYMI] [kwilidea'timi] (mind): adj. thoughtful, from cilidéaty, -mi. Added 1984-1987.

cílidikab ['CILIDIKAB ['kwilidikjab] (plants): n. mushroom, loosely from cilidít, kablàit (for whiteness). Added 20020905.

cilidít [kwili'dit] (motion): v. rise, go up, ascend. See also büràrit. Added 1984-19860316.

cililàtia [CILI'LATIA] [kwili'latia] (plants): n. an evergreen, from cíli, làti, -a. Added 20020905.

cililó [kwili'lo] (perception): v. to look up, watch something above. Added 20040203.

cilipàccat [CILI'PACCAT [kwili'patsat] (animals): n. leaper, jumper; grasshopper, from cilipàsa, -s--t. Added 20090322.
Example: cilipàccatan lirampàiali cilipàsap'n!.

cilipàsa [kwili'pasa] (motion): v. leap, jump, from cili-, pàsa. Added 20040203.

cilishír [kwili'Si4] (change): v. to grow up, spring up. Added 20040203.

cílit ['kwilit] (motion): v. rise, go up, ascend, loosely from shortening of cilidít. Added 1984-1987.

cilitàla [kwili'tala] (motion): v. bound along, run leaping, from cili-, tàla. Added 20040203.

cilité [kwili'te] (interactions): v. honor, respect; lit. "speak up", from cili-, té. Added 20070127.

cíltiri ['kwilti4i] (time): adj. expected soon. Added 20060302.

cílvë ['kwilve] (motion): v. come, approach, arrive. Added 1984-1987.

cími ['kwimi] (artifacts): adj. artificial, chemical. Added 20070417.

címia ['CIMIA] ['kwimia] (artifacts): n. plastic, from cími, -a. Added 20070417.

cimyàt [kim'jat] (artifacts): v. to craft something of plastic; to fabricate in a factory. Added 20070417.

cínti ['CINTI] ['kwinti] (having): n. container; any sort of box, bag, etc., from cíti, -n-. Added 1984-1987.

cir [CIR] [kwi4] (adpositions): adp. in. Added 1984.

círa ['kwi4a] (motion): v. come into, go into, enter. Added 1984-1987.

círda ['kwi4da] (artifacts): n. wall. Added 1984-1987.

círki ['kwi4ki] (physical): v. stab, puncture, spear. Added 20090321.

cíti ['CITI] ['kwiti] (having): v. hold, contain. Added 1984-1987.

citicón [kwiti'kon] (school and work): n. locker. Added 1989-1990.

clía ['klia] (wh-words): adv. which force. Added 1984-1987.

clilíri [C'LILIRI] [kli'li4i] (time): adv. long (time). Added 20020422.

clinétiri [CLI'NETIRI] [kli'neti4i] (time): adj. recent, loosely from cli from clítaf, nétiri. Added 20060302.

clinípi [kli'nipi] (time): adv. short (time). Added 20060302.

clípat ['klipat] (time): v. to last, to endure. Added 20060302.

clipàtari [CLI'PATARI] [kli'pata4i] (time): adj. long-ago, from NA. Added 20060302.

clítaf ['klitaf] (time): n. time. Added 1984-1987.

['CO] ['ko] (location): n. center, heart. Added 20070127.

cóco ['COCÒ] ['kokO] (animals): n. chicken. Added 20070828.

cóm ['COM ['kom] (basics): n. thing, matter; serves as an empty noun base. Added 20080424.
Example: cöshcóm: an easy thing; ülcóm, a hard thing.

cöpíli [ko'pili] (kinship): n. boy's (marriageable) female cross-cousin via jajàra. Added 20081219.

cópö ['COPO] ['kopo] (physical): v. intrans. break, suddenly and perhaps accidentally; shatter; pop. Added 20131002.

cöpödà [COPO'DA] [kopo'da] (physical): v. trans. break into pieces (shatter, pop) deliberately, from cópö, -dà. Added 20131002.

córa ['CORA] ['ko4a] (animals): n. goat. Added 20070914.

córü ['ko4u] (emotions): n. fear. Added 20060302.

cösh- [COSH [koS] (comparisons): adj., pref. easy, soft, easily worked. See also ül-. Added 20070824.

cöshcóm [koS'kom] (comparisons): n. easy thing, soft thing, from cösh-, cóm. Added 20080424.

coshéia [CO'SHEIA] [kO'Seja] (comparisons): n. ease, from cosh-, ésö, -i, -a. Added 20080424.

cötýrr [ko'tir] (plants): n. crocus. Added 1984-19860316.

['CU] ['ku] (physical): v. be open. Added 20121202.

cüàrü [ku'a4u] (together and apart): v. to withdraw. Added 1984-1987.

cüér [ku'e4] (artifacts): v. to braid or ply; to twist. Added 20070417.

cúlü ['CULU] ['kulu] (food): n. root vegetable native to the mërèchi continent, similar to (non-native) parsnips; also used to refer to carrots. Added 20100922.
Example: cúlu càli ("red cúlu"): carrot.

-cüm CUM [kum] (adpositions): adp., suff. in. Added 1984-1987.

-cür CUR] [ku4] (adpositions): adp., suff. across. Added 20081118.

cürgéla [ku4'gela] (motion): v. to go across (as walking or riding across a bridge - emphasis on the going), from -cür, géla. See also cürvér. Added 20081118.

cürít [CU'RIT [ku'4it] (artifacts): n. gate, door, from cú, rít. Added 20131002.

cürvér [ku4've4] (motion): v. to cross (as crossing a border, or crossing a figurative line - emphasis on the crossing), from -cür, vér. See also cürgéla. Added 20081118.

d- [D [d] (grammar, verbs): part., pref. obligative mood prefix. dö- is used before consonants, d- before vowels. Added 1984-1987.

-dà 'DA] ['da] (grammar, verbs): deriv., suff. makes verb causative. Added 20020421.

-da DA] [da] (grammar, verbs): pron., suff. 2nd p. s. (you). Added 1984-1987.

['DA] ['da] (basics): v. to cause. Added 1984-1987.

dàf ['daf] (pronouns): pron. 2nd p. s. (you). Added 1984.

dàfan ['dafan] (pronouns): pron. 2nd p. p. (y'all). Added 1984.

dài ['dai] (comparisons): adj. positive. Added 1984-1987.

dàila ['daila] (comparisons): adj. proper. Added 1984-1987.

dàl ['dal] (pronouns): pron. 2nd p. p. (you). Added 1989-1990.

dàlmë ['dalme] (emotions): n. peace, serenity. Added 1984-1987.

dàlö ['dalo] (body): n. foot. Added 20080322.

damúl [da'mul] (kinship): n. girl's (marriageable) male cross-cousin via dòn; girl's (marriageable) dòn. Added 20081219.

dàna ['dana] (motion): v. go slowly, amble, dawdle, tarry. See also càsa. Added 20070730.

dàrm ['da4m] (mind): v. wish. Added 1984-1987.

déla ['dela] (motion): v. leave, depart, go away from. Added 1984-1987.

dëlachón [DELA'XON] [dela'xon] (animals): n. dragon. Added 1984-1987.

dëlàfia [DE'LAFIA] [de'lafia] (having): n. remnant; what is left, what remains, from déla, -fi, -a. Added 20020421.

dèlche ['dElxE] (cosmos): n. earth. Added 1984-1987.

delíl [dE'lil] (artifacts): n. clay. Added 20070417.

delú [dE'lu] (cosmos): n. rock, stone , loosely from dèlchë, earth. Added 20030507.

delüàt [dElu'at] (artifacts): v. to craft something of stone (carved, not built). Added 20070417.

dèm [DÈM ['dEm] (states): v. be as expected; be normal, ordinary, usual; confirm one's expectations; transpire in an unsurprising way. See also kèm. Added 20130930.

dèmi [DÈM ['dEmi] (states): adj. normal, ordinary, usual; as expected; unsurprising, from dèm, -i. See also kèmi. Added 20130930.

dèmisö [DÈMISO] ['dEmiso] (states): v. appear normal, ordinary, usual; act as expected; conform, from dèm, -i, -sö. See also kèmisö. Added 20130930.

dènë ['dEne] (kinship): n. boy's father's older sister; girl's mother's older sister. Added 20081219.

dènti ['DÈNTI] ['dEnti] (artifacts): n. counting tool, abacus, from dèti, -n-. Added 20100914.

dèti ['DÈTI] ['dEti] (unclassified): v. count. Added 20100914.

-di DI] [di] (adpositions): adp., suff. at, to (locative). Added 1984-1987.

dièri [di'E4i] (having): v. to have. Added 1989-1990.

diltàt [dil'tat] (artifacts): v. to craft something of clay. Added 20070417.

dipàri [DI'PARI] [di'pa4i] (emotions): v. to want, to desire. Added 20000509.

dipàripi [DI'PARIPI] [di'pa4ipi] (comparisons): adj. wanting, desiring; eager, enthusiastic, from dipàri, -pi. Added 20040815.

dísö ['DISO] ['diso] (space): v. be located at, from -di, -sö. Added 20050122.

disödà [DISO'DA] [diso'da] (space): v. put, place (something in a location), from dísö, -dà. Added 20050122.

dö- [DO [do] (grammar, verbs): part., pref. obligative mood prefix. dö- is used before consonants, d- before vowels. Added 1984-1987.

dóba ['doba] (school and work): n. problem. Added 1989-1990.

dóda ['DODA] ['doda] (physical): v. tap, beat, drum; hit in order to make a noise. Added 20040809.

dödív [do'div] (location): n. corrupt & polluted world. Added 1984-1987.

dógaki ['dogaki] (portentousness): adj. dangerous, harmful. Added 20040815.

dóki ['doki] (portentousness): adj. forbidden. Added 1984-1987.

dókikòr ['doki'kjO4] (artifacts): n. yellow "keep out" tape. Added 20000330.

-dól 'DOL ['dol] (comparisons): adj., suff. bad, a bad X, loosely from dóli. -adól is used after consonants, -dól after vowels. See also -týl. Added 20070824.

dölétë [do'lete] (emotions): v. apologize for a wrong one has committed, from dörléri, té. Added 20070127.

dóli ['doli] (comparisons): adj. bad. See also týli. Added 20070824.

dólia ['dolia] (emotions): n. sorrow, from dóli, -a. Added 20081118.

dóllë ['dolle] (emotions): excl. I'm sorry/I was wrong, from dóri, èllë. Added 20070127.

dólon ['dolOn] (portentousness): n. doom. Added 1984-1987.

dölònia [do'lOnia] (portentousness): n. tragedy. Added 20040815.

dömàla [DO'MALA] [do'mala] (interactions): v. harm someone, hurt someone. See also tymàla. Added 20110718 .

dömalahé [DOMALA'HE] [domala'he] (interactions): v. attack; strike at; oppose; move against, from dömàla, -hé. Added 20110718 .

dón ['DON] ['don] (cosmos): n. darkness; metaphorically, evil. Added 1984.

dòn ['DÒN] ['dOn] (kinship): n. one's mother's younger brother; one's father's younger sister. Added 20081219.

-dòna ['dOna] (kinship): n., suff. added to a kinship title, designates that person's (junior) spouse. Added 20081219.

dóni ['DONI] ['doni] (comparisons): adj. dark, from dón, -i. Added 1984-1987.

dóri ['do4i] (comparisons): adj. the wrong way, in the wrong. See also týri. Added 20070127.

dória ['do4ia] (emotions): n. guilt, from dóri, -a. Added 20070127.

dórisö ['do4iso] (interactions): v. to be wrong, from dóri, -sö. Added 20081118.

dörléri [DOR'LERI] [do4'le4i] (emotions): v. feel one has done wrong, feel sorry, from dóri, léri. Added 20070127.

dörléria [DOR'LERIA] [do4'le4ia] (emotions): n. feeling of guilt, from dörléri, -a. Added 20070127.

dósa ['DOSA] ['dosa] (numbers): num. fifteen. Added 1984-1987.

dötàva [do'tava] (interactions): v. curse, wish bad fortune upon, from dö-, tàva. See also tytàva. Added 20070127.

dóvi ['dovi] (comparisons): adj. cruel, unkind. See also tývi. Added 20040203.

dróm ['d4om] (weather): n. thunder. Added 1984-1987.

dsím [D'SIM [d'sim] (animals): n. bee (which fertilizes flowers and can sting). Added 20081230.
Example: dsíman lúthianprë litítëp'të.

-dúr 'DUR] ['du4] (emotions): v., suff. be anxious about X; worry about X. Added 20070816.
Example: yirdúria calëmàdüki: PMS; calëmadüdúria: anxiety about one's period; yirdúria màmi: anxiety of being a mom; mamiadúria: anxiety about motherhood; mamëdúria: anxiety over one's mother.

é dla ['e dla] (together and apart): exc. goodbye. Added 1984-1987.

E] [e] (grammar, verbs): part., suff. perfective aspect (after consonants). Added 1984-1987.

E] [e] (grammar, verbs): pron., suff. 3rd p. s. m. (he). Added 1984-1987.

é 'E] ['e] (basics): v. empty verb base; tends to merge with prefixes, giving them its stress and disappearing. Added 20081212.
Example: ésa, ésö, ëhé, kàsa, kahé, .

éa 'EA] ['ea] (basics): v. exist, be (intrans.). Added 1984-19860316.

ëacín [ea'kwin] (geography): n. valley. Added 1984-1987.

ëàclë [e'akle] (wh-words): adv. now. Added 1984-1987.

ëàhlir E'AHLIR] [e'aKi4] (wh-words): adv. for this reason; because of this. Added 20140311.

ëàlic [e'alik] (wh-words): adv. this force. Added 1984-1987.

ëàlif [e'alif] (wh-words): adv. here. Added 1984-1987.

ëàlis [e'alis] (wh-words): adv. this way (method). Added 1984-1987.

éam ['eam] (states): v. a slurred form of éap'n. Added 20040806.
Example: see "alàla cililàtian".

ëàmliö [e'amlio] (wh-words): adj. this. Added 1984-19860316.

ëàpëm [e'apem] (wh-words): adj. this person. Added 20030529.

ëàpi [e'api] (states): adj. existing, from éa, -pi. Added 1984-1987.

ëàten [e'atEn] (wh-words): n. this litènca. Added 1984-1987.

ëàtli [e'atli] (wh-words): adv. this manner, these conditions, these circumstances. Added 1984-1987.

éaty ['eati] (basics): n. life, living creature(s), all living things, from éa, ty-. Added 1984-19860316.

ëatými [ea'timi] (states): adj. alive, living, from éaty, -mi. Added 1984-1987.

-ëccà E'CCA] [et'sa] (comparisons): adj., suff. inherently hot, an inherently hot X. -ëccà is used after consonants, -ccà after vowels. See also -iklà. Added 20070824.

èch ['ÈX] ['Ex] (plants): n. apple tree. See also fílë. Added 1984-1987.

èchë ['Exe] (weather): n. heat. Added 1984-1987.

echëlín [Exe'lin] (seasons): n. summer; lyín èchëki. Added 20040806.

èchi ['ÈXI] ['Exi] (weather): adj. hot, from èchë, -i. Added 20050122.

echidà [Exi'da] (physical): v. heat (something) up, from èchi, -dà. Added 20050122.

èdë [ÈDE] ['Ede] (plants): n. seedpod of the pussywillow bush. See also tàf. Added 198604.

èdek ['EdEk] (plants): n. cherry tree. See also kípi. Added 198604.

èdel ['EdEl] (time): n. tomorrow. Added 1989-1990.

édö ['edo] (wh-words): adv. this way. Added 1984-1987.

efàd [E'fad] (plants): n. violet plant and flower. Added 198604.

éfi ['efi] (people): n. someone. Added 20030529.

èfol ['ÈFÒL] ['EfOl] (animals): n. rabbit, loosely from fòlê. Added 20020420.

ëhé E'HE] [e'he] (basics): v. to try (to do something), from é, -hé. Added 20081212.

èl ['ÈL] ['El] (perception): v. to see. Added 1984-1987.

élat ['elat] (plants): n. leaf. Added 1984-1987.

èldatë ['Eldate] (language): v. to acknowledge something, from èl, tè. Added 20070127.

eldatéfia [ÈLDA'TEFIA] [Elda'tefia] (emotions): n. apology, award, thanks, acknowledgement, from èldatë, -fi, -a. Added 20070127.

ëlít [EL'IT] [e'lit] (animals): n. swan. Added 1984-1987.

èllë ['Elle] (emotions): excl. sorry/thanks, from eldatéfia. Added 20070127.

èlsa ['ÈLSA] ['Elsa] (perception): v. be able to see, from èl, -sa. Added 20040811.

eltèren [El'tE4En] (mind): v. recognize; know it when you see it, from èl, tèren. Added 20090101.
Example: füshínic ciliditàpi k'eltèrenv'da..

èmpa ['Empa] (plants): n. box-elder tree. See also flèta. Added 198604.

ènchë ['Enxe] (comparisons): adj. half. Added 1984-1987.

enèd [ÈN'ÈD] [E'nEd] (cosmos): n. sun. Added 1984-1987.

-ènët 'ÈNET] ['Enet] (adpositions): adp., suff. near. -ènët is used after consonants, -nët after vowels. Added 20060302.

enëtív [Ene'tiv] (location): n. environs, places nearby; used in statements about weather, from -ènët, -tív. Added 20090202.
Example: enëtív étial èchisöp'n.

ëníl [EN'IL] [e'nil] (calendar): n. month three. Added 1984-1987.

ennú [En'nu] (emotions): v. to yearn. Added 1984-1987.

errerr [ErEr] (perception): v. to echo. Added 1984-1987.

ésa 'ESA] ['esa] (states): v. be possible, from é, -sa. Added 20081212.

ësàia [e'saja] (states): n. possibility, from ésa, -i, -a. Added 20080424.

èsel ['EsEl] (kinship): n. girl's paternal grandmother. Added 20081219.

eselànë [EsE'lane] (kinship): n. girl's great-grandmother via paternal grandmother, from èsel. Added 20081219.

éshirë ['eSi4e] (plants): n. fruit, seed, loosely from shír. Added 20020905.

èslet ['ÈSLÈT ['EslEt] (people): n. seer, one who sees or watches or whose job it is to see or watch, from èl, -s--t. Added 20101130 .

ésö 'ESO] ['eso] (basics): v. to be (trans.), from é, -sö. Added 1984-1987.

ësóli [e'soli] (comparisons): adj. like. Added 1984-1987.

ësúrmurséa [e'su4m@4'sea] (mind): n. dreams. Added 1984-1987.

-et ÈT] [Et] (grammar, nouns): part., suff. countable plural for nouns ending in consonants. Added 1984-1987.

ëtéyi [e'teji] (kinship): n. boy's mother. Added 20081219.

étial ['etial] (time): n. today. Added 1989-1990.

-ëvü EVU] [evu] (mental): v., suff. to find something to be X; when passive, to seem to be X. -ëvü is used after consonannts, -vü after vowels. Added 20070904.
Example: artëlarafàsavü: to find to be laughable; cöshmölítövü: to find to be easy.

-fà 'FA] ['fa] (grammar, verbs): deriv., suff. makes verb passive. Added 20020421.

-fa FA] [fa] (grammar, verbs): pron., suff. 1st p. p. (we). Added 1984-1987.

fàla ['FALA] ['fala] (food): n. dough, batter. Added 20050122.

fàldë ['falde] (emotions): n. love. Added 1984-1987.

fàldiö ['faldio] (people): n. friend. Added 1989-1990.

fàlë ['fale] (emotions): v. to love. Added 1984-1987.

fàm ['FAM ['fam] (physical): n. power. Added 20070127.

fàn ['fan] (pronouns): pron. 1st p. p. (we). Added 1984.

fé- ['FE ['fe] (colors): adj., pref. light in color. Added 20070824.

fèlfö ['fElfo] (plants): n. daffodil. Added 198604.

fèmari ['fEma4i] (comparisons): adj. beautiful. Added 1984-1987.

femària [fE'ma4ia] (comparisons): n. beauty, from fèmari, -a. Added 20000221.

fèmaritërcífia [FÈMARITER'CIFIA] ['fEma4ite4'kwifia] (language): n. calligraphy, from fèmari, tërcífia. Added 1989-1990.

fëné [fe'ne] (kinship): n. one's mother's younger sister; one's father's younger brother. Added 20081219.

fèsh ['fES] (plants): n. forsithia blossom. See also thèshavë. Added 198604.

fèti ['fEti] (plants): n. flower known as "whiteclusters". Added 198604.

-fi FI] [fi] (grammar, verbs): part., suff. passive participle. -fi is used after vowels, -ifi after consonants. Added 1984-1987.

fídë ['fide] (school and work): v. to work. Added 1989-1990.

fidéfia [FI'DEFIA] [fi'defia] (school and work): n. job, work; task, from fídë, -fi, -a. Added 1998.

fílë ['file] (plants): n. apple blossom. See also èch. Added 1984-1987.

fíli ['fili] (location): n. place. Added 1984-1987.

flèta ['flEta] (plants): n. box-elder blossom. See also èmpa. Added 198604.

flí [F'LI] ['fli] (plants): n. rosebush. See also bólie. Added 1984-1987.

-fö FO] [fo] (grammar, verbs): pron., suff. 2nd p. p. (you). Added 1984-1987.

fóam ['foam] (light effects): v. to shine. Added 1989-1990.

fòlê ['fOli:] (cosmos): n. moon. Added 1984-1987.

fòra ['FÒRA] ['fO4a] (together and apart): v. separate from, part from. Added 1984-1987.

forài [FÒ'RAI] [fO'4ai] (together and apart): adj. separate, apart, from fòra, -i. Added 20020421.

foràia [FÒ'RAIA] [fO'4aja] (together and apart): n. separation, difference: the difference between..., from forài, -a. Added 20040811.
Example: týatra te dóntra foràia.

foraléri [FÒRA'LERI] [fO4a'le4i] (emotions): v. feel separated, abandoned, lost, out-of-the-loop, or alone, from fòra, léri. Added 20081205.

fòranik ['FÒRANIK] ['fO4anik] (together and apart): v. cut apart, break apart, from fòra, aník. Added 20040321.

foràpia [FÒ'RAPIA] [fO'4apia] (together and apart): n. separation, parting, from fòra, -pi, -a. Added 20020421.

fòrapöt ['FÒRAPOT ['fO4apot] (space): v. divide a space, from fòra, pótë. Added 20081118.

forapötípia [FÒRAPO'TIPIA] [fO4apo'tipia] (space): n. border, fault line, crack, from fòrapöt, -ipi, -a. Added 20081118.

fòrn ['fO4n] (weather): n. snow. Added 1984-1987.

fòrnkes ['FÒRNKÈS ['fO4nkEs] (weather): n. snowflake, from fòrn, -kes. Added 20000330.

füé [fu'e] (weather): n. large, white, lazy cloud; nonthreatening cumulus cloud. Added 1984-1987.

fúi ['FUI] ['fui] (colors): adj. white, loosely from füé. Added 20050122.

füidà [FUI'DA] [fui'da] (physical): n. bleach, whiten, from fúi, -dà. Added 20100913 .

füidàfia [FUI'DAFIA] [fui'dafia] (physical): n. bleached or whitened thing, from fúi, -dà, -fi, -a. Added 20050122.

fúlma ['fulma] (spirit): n. patron deity. Added 1984-1987.

fúnon ['funOn] (kinship): n. one's same-sex younger sibling; one's same-sex older sibling's same-sex child. Added 20081219.

füshín [fu'Sin] (seasons): n. mild season; equinoctial season; spring or fall. Added 1984-19860316.

galàt [GA'LAT [ga'lat] (plants): n. tea shrub, Camellia sinensis, loosely from gàn, làt. Added 20101008 .

galàti [GA'LATI] [ga'lati] (plants): adj. of or pertaining to Camellia sinensis, from galàt, -i. Added 20101008 .

galàtia [GA'LATIA] [ga'latia] (food): n. tea the drink, brewed tea, from galàt, -i, -a. Added 20101008 .

gàn ['gan] (body): v. to wake. Added 1984-1987.

ganàki [GA'NAKI] [ga'naki] (animals): n. some sort of clawed lizard. Added 20040322.

gàta ['GATA] ['gata] (food): n. walnut. Added 20050122.

-gë GE] [ge] (grammar, nouns): part., suff. possessive. Added 1984-1987.

géla ['gela] (motion): v. go (proceed, walk, ride); refers to the physical process of going. See also vér. Added 20000330.

gëléata [GE'LEATA] [ge'leata] (animals): n. animal. Added 20060302.

gëléaty [GE'LEATY] [ge'leati] (animals): n. animal life. Added 20060302.

gérod ['GERÒD ['ge4Od] (animals): n. dog. Added 20070828.

gésë ['GESE] ['gese] (animals): n. pig. Added 20040321.

géva ['geva] (body): n. leg. Added 20060302.

gílü ['GILU] ['gilu] (animals): n. goose. Added 1984-1987.

gón ['GON] ['gon] (physical): v. touch, contact; be adjacent to. See also shàpü. Added 20131002.

gópa ['GOPA] ['gopa] (animals): n. cow. Added 20070828.

grós [g'4os] (emotions): n. sadness. Added 20000509.

güàkh [gu'ax] (physical): v. to pull or draw. Added 20070802.

gúkha ['guxa] (artifacts): n. wire (something drawn), from güàkh. Added 20070802.

gükhatàt [guxa'tat] (artifacts): v. to craft of wire (as machinery), from gúkha, -tàt. Added 20070802.

gúnri ['gun4i] (artifacts): n. whisk, mixer, from gúri, -n-. Added 20090107.

gúri ['GURI] ['gu4i] (together and apart): v. mix, combine, stir. Added 20050122.

gürífia [GU'RIFIA] [gu'4ifia] (together and apart): n. mixture, from gúri, -fi, -a. Added 20050122.

gúta ['GUTA] ['guta] (plants): n. hollow reed. Added 20100914.

gü---úr [gu 'u4] (grammar, nouns): adj., circf. augmentive (nouns); first ü vanishes before vowels; second blends w/preceding vowel. Added 20070824.
Example: khrà gives gükhròr.

hàca ['hakwa] (physical): v. to burn. Added 20020421.

hahàki [ha'haki] (comparisons): adj. funny (in baby talk). Added 20070904.

hàka ['HAKA] ['hakja] (animals): n. rattlesnake. Added 20130714.
Example: hàka kahahàkisöp'n të tëtép'të tírrdën!.

hakshút [hak'Sut] (health): v. cough. Added 20090202.

hàla ['HALA] ['hala] (basics): v. to do. Added 20040321.

hàlasa ['halasa] (states): v. to be doable, to be feasible (of a task or plan), from hàla, -sa. Added 20081212.

halasàia [hala'saja] (states): n. doability, from hàlasa, -i, -a. Added 20080424.

halaté [hala'te] (language): v. recount deeds; tell a biography, from hàla, té. Added 20070728.

hàldë ['HALDE] ['halde] (calendar): n. month two. Added 1984-1987.

hàli ['hali] (time): adj. next, subsequent, later. Added 20090107.

hàliri ['hali4i] (time): adj. last, from hàli, -liri. Added 1984-1987.

hàri ['ha4i] (comparisons): adj. wide, spread out. Added 20050122.

haridà [HARI'DA] [ha4i'da] (space): v. spread (something) out, widen, from hàri, -dà. Added 20050122.

hàva ['hava] (perception): n. savory scent (cooking, garlic). Added 20070815.

-hé 'HE] ['he] (grammar, verbs): deriv., suff. attemptive: to try to. Added 20060302.

héch ['hex] (comparisons): adv. than. Added 1984-1987.

hèli ['hEli] (colors): adj. pale. Added 20070927.

hémönt ['hemont] (spirit): n. demigod, spirit. Added 1984-1987.

hër- [HER [he4] (comparisons): adj., pref. wide. See also shen-. Added 20070827.

héra ['he4a] (comparisons): adv. also. Added 20030529.

hirípia [hi'4ipia] (perception): n. revelation, loosely from jírr, -ipi, -a. Added 1984-1987.

-hl- HL [K] (grammar, verbs): adv., inf. optative infix. Added 1984-1987.

-hla HLA] [Ka] (adpositions): adp., suff. after (temporal). See also -tep. Added 20090101.
Example: sòthet líryira elfàsap'të büràiahla sinítnö..

hlèt ['KEt] (change): v. fade, dim. Added 1984-1987.

hlí ['HLI] ['Ki] (body): v. drink. Added 20101012.

hlífia ['HLIFIA] ['Kifia] (body): n. beverage, something to drink, from hlí, -fi, -a. Added 20101012.

höcàn [ho'kwan] (location): n. tower. Added 20060302.

hóci ['hokwi] (space): v. to reach. Added 1984-1987.

höfàmë [ho'fame] (body): n. shoulder (arm-head). Added 20060302.

hófë ['hofe] (body): n. arm. Added 20060302.

höfërém [HOFE'REM [hofe'4em] (body): v. hug, embrace, from hófë, rém. Added 20140307.

hóm ['hom] (cosmos): n. night. Added 1984-1987.

hóvar ['hova4] (cosmos): n. daytime. Added 1984-1987.

hrík ['4_0ik] (weather): n. ice (informal). See also íkabalté. Added 1984-1987.

hró ['4_0o] (wh-words): adv. wherefore. Added 20040203.

hró ['HRO] ['4_0o] (wh-words): adv. why; for which reason. Added 1984-1987.

hródi ['4_0odi] (wh-words): adv. "in order that". Added 20040203.

hróvin ['4_0ovin] (wh-words): adv. because. Added 1989-1990.

húlü ['HULU] ['hulu] (animals): n. crane. Added 20110630 .

húm ['hum] (physical): v. to crush. Added 1984-1987.

húr ['hu4] (artifacts): n. iron. Added 1984.

húrat ['hu4at] (artifacts): n. chain (connected metal links). Added 1984-1987.

-i I] [i] (grammar): part., suff. -y, -ish, -like. Added 1984.

íber ['ibE4] (time): adv. sometimes. Added 1989-1990.

-ic IC] [ik] (grammar, nouns): part., suff. accusative case ending. -ic is used after consonants, -c after vowels. Added 1984-1987.

ícci ['ICCI] ['itsi] (animals): n. squirrel. Added 20070828.

íclë ['ikle] (time): adv. once, one (certain) time; used to start anecdotes. Added 20090315.

ícsë ['ikse] (geography): n. east. Added 20020421.

idàrmö [i'da4mo] (mind): n. fantasy. Added 1989-1990.

-ifi IFI] [ifi] (grammar, verbs): part., suff. passive participle. -ifi is used after consonants, -fi after vowels. Added 1984-1987.

íkabalté ['ikjabal'te] (weather): n. ice (formal). See also hrík. Added 1984-1987.

íkakü ['ikjakju] (weather): n. icicle, from íkabalté, kú. Added 20090107.
Example: íkakün pëlàdamli lièlnö shírn'un..

-iklà IK'LA] [ik'la] (comparisons): adj., suff. an inherently cold X. -iklà is used after consonants, klà after vowels. Added 20070824.

íktel ['IKTÈL ['iktEl] (animals): n. insects other than flies and beetles; crawling bugs. Added 20090321.
Example: íktelan ka'tésap'n.

íli ['ILI] ['ili] (plants): n. species of tree found only in mërèchi lands. See also líbe. Added 198604.

íllü ['illu] (people): n. man, boy. Added 20040203.

ilpàla [il'pala] (relationships): v. be married, be in a married state, loosely from íllü-pàla. Added 20040608.

ilpalàpia [ILPA'LAPIA] [ilpa'lapia] (relationships): n. marriage, from ilpàla, -pi, -a. Added 20040608.

ílpü ['ilpu] (people): n. husband, from íllü, pàla. Added 20070127.

-ími 'IMI] ['imi] (grammar, nouns): part., suff. "ness". -ími is used after consonants, mi after vowels. Added 20040322.

inísi [i'nisi] (kinship): n. girl's father. Added 20081219.

-íntat ['intat] (kinship): n., suff. added to a kinship title, designates that person's (senior) spouse. Added 20081219.

ínyë ['inje] (mind): v. to dream. Added 1984-1987.

íö- ['IO ['io] (grammar, verbs): adv., pref. longstandingly; opposite of ja-. Added 20090105.
Example: jatàgap'a fàldiötli na-íödierifàp..

-ip IP] [ip] (grammar, verbs): part., suff. imperfective aspect (after consonants). Added 1984-1987.

-ipi IPI] [ipi] (grammar, verbs): part., suff. active participle. -ipi is used after consonants, -pi after vowels. Added 1984-1987.

ípshi ['ipSi] (physical): adj. tacky, sticky, clings to touch. Added 20090223.

íshö ['ISHO] ['iSo] (animals): n. feather. Added 20070914.

ja- [ZHA [Za] (grammar, verbs): adv., pref. newly, recently; opposite of íö-. Added 20090105.
Example: jatàgap'a fàldiötli na-íödierifàp..

jajàra [Za'Za4a] (kinship): n. boy's mother's older brother, from jàra. Added 20081219.

-jàka ['Zakja] (health): deriv., suff. be injured in the body part to which it is suffixed. Added 20090209.

jàni ['ZHANI] ['Zani] (food): adj. fresh; raw, uncooked. Added 20100919.

jàra ['Za4a] (kinship): n. one's older brother. Added 20081219.

['ZHI] ['Zi] (animals): n. gull. Added 1984-1987.

jíki ['Ziki] (perception): n. tang, mineral/chemical smell, sea smell, urine smell. Added 20070815.

jírr ['Zir] (perception): v. to reveal. Added 1984-1987.

jònta ['ZOnta] (kinship): n. boy's father's older brother; girl's mother's older brother. Added 20081219.

-k- K [k] (grammar, verbs): deriv., inf. interrogative infix. If the verb ends in -sö, the infix follows the ; otherwise, it follows the stressed vowel. When this infix falls before /k/ k, /s/ s, or /x/ ch, kh, the two sounds together go to /kS/.. Added 20140302.
Example: pàktap'da? Do you hear?.

k- [K [k] (grammar, verbs): part., pref. future tense (before vowels). Added 1984-1987.

ka- [KA [kja] (grammar): part., pref. un-, -less. Added 1984.

kabàlë [kja'bale] (weather): n. cold. Added 1984-1987.

kabalín [kjaba'lin] (seasons): n. winter; lyín kabàlëki. Added 20040806.

kablaískes [KABLA'ISKÈS [kjabla'iskEs] (plants): n. snowdrops, loosely from kablàit, -kes. Added 20000330.

kablàit [kjab'lait] (weather): n. snow. Added 1984-1987.

kadínye [kja'dinjE] (mind): n. daydream. Added 1984-1987.

kahé [kja'he] (basics): v. to not try something, from ka-, é, -hé. Added 20080424.

kàhlir ['KAHLIR] ['kjaKi4] (wh-words): adv. for that reason; because of that. Added 20140311.

kakàs [kja'kjas] (plants): n. berry. Added 20020905.

kàkes ['KAKES ['kjakEs] (comparisons): n. nothing, no amount, no piece, from ka-, -kes. Added 20040203.

kàkesdür ['kjakEsdu4] (emotions): v. to stress over nothing at all, from kàkes, -dúr. Added 20070816.

kàkesi ['KAKÈSI] ['kjakEsi] (comparisons): adj. no, none, not any, from ka-, -kes, -i. Added 20081118.

kakí [kja'ki] (grammar): conj. neither. Added 20070802.
Example: neither this nor that - kakí ëàmliö kakú kàmli.

kakú [kja'kju] (grammar): conj. nor. Added 20070802.
Example: neither this nor that - kakí ëàmliö kakú kàmli.

kàla ['KALA] ['kjala] (animals): n. thin, brittle material; exoskeleton; shell. Added 20090101.

kàli ['KALI] ['kjali] (physical): adj. dry on the surface, not damp or dripping, but not necessarily all dried out. See also càshi, làri. Added 20070816.

kàlia ['kjalia] (wh-words): adv. then. Added 1984-1987.

kàlic ['kjalik] (wh-words): adv. that force. Added 1984-1987.

kàlici ['kjalikwi] (body): adj. sick, loosely from ka-, týlici. Added 20040203.

kalíryi [kja'li4ji] (comparisons): adj. less (un-more), from ka-, líryi. Added 1998.

kàlis ['kjalis] (wh-words): adv. that way (method). Added 1984-1987.

kàlti ['kjalti] (wh-words): adv. that manner, those conditions, those circumstances. Added 1984-1987.

kàm ['KAM ['kjam] (comparisons): n. kind, type, sort. Added 20080424.

kàmba ['kjamba] (weather): n. stormcloud; cumulonimbus cloud. Added 1984-1987.

kàmisfat ['KAMISFAT ['kjamisfat] (animals): n. gnat, from *kamifà, -s--t. Added 20090206.

kàmli ['kjamli] (wh-words): adj. that. Added 1984-1987.

kànaí ['kjana'i] (emotions): exc. no. Added 1984-1987.

kanéye [kja'nejE] (perception): v. discover "un-hide" (kanéyë?). Added 20000221.

kanlí [kjan'li] (kinship): n. one's same-sex cross-cousin via a parent's older sibling. Added 20081219.

kapàtaf [kja'pataf] (manner): adv. silently. Added 20030507.

kapàtafi [kja'patafi] (perception): adj. silent ("unheard"), from ka-, pàta, -fi. Added 20030507.

kàpëm ['kjapem] (wh-words): adj. that person. Added 20030529.

kàrik ['KARIK ['kja4ik] (weather): n. hail (icy precipitation). Added 20090107.
Example: pàlitan hríkpë kàmbanba ésöp'n kàrikan..

kàsa ['kjasa] (states): v. to be impossible, from ka-, é, -sa. Added 20080424.

kasàia [kja'saja] (states): n. impossibility, from kàsa, -i, -a. Added 20080424.

kasàta [KA'SATA] [kja'sata] (food): n. spice. Added 20050122.

kàsë ['kjase] (time): adj. last. Added 1984-1987.

kàsh sórösi ['KASHendbegin'SOROSI] ['kjaS 'so4osi] (food): n. almond (a foreign import). Added 20110807.

kàsh ['KASH ['kjaS] (food): n. nut. Added 20070127.

katàk [kja'tak] (interactions): v. attack. Added 20040815.

kàten ['kjatEn] (wh-words): n. that litènca. Added 1984-1987.

kàth ['kjaT] (geography): n. cave. Added 1984-1987.

katólia [kja'tolia] (plants): n. holly tree. See also míta. Added 20040806.

kàtrenfi ['kjat4Enfi] (perception): adj. unknown, mysterious. Added 19990609.

ke- [KÈ [kE] (grammar): adv., pref. insufficient, too little. Added 20000509.

ke [KÈ] [kE] (grammar): adv. "that" (head of sub. clause). Added 20000509.

kéam ['keam] (people): n. no one. Added 1989-1990.

kèf ['KÈF ['kEf] (numbers): num. zero. Added 1984-1987.

kèfia ['kEfia] (states): n. void, vacuum, nothingness, from kèf, -i, -a. Added 20020421.

kèhia ['KÈHIA] ['kEhia] (comparisons): n. lack, poverty, frugality, from kè, -i, -a. Added 20090331.
Example: kèhia tèvi: the poverty of prosperity.

kèl ['KÈL ['kEl] (perception): v. conceal, loosely from ka-, èl. Added 1984-1987.

kèlel ['kElEl] (body): n. teardrop, tear, loosely from kíe lièl. Added 20030507.

kèleli ['kElEli] (emotions): v. to weep. Added 20030507.

keléra [kE'le4a] (artifacts): n. veil. Added 1984-1987.

keléri [kE'le4i] (artifacts): adj. veil-like. Added 1984-1987.

kèm [KÈM ['kEm] (states): v. be unexpected; be strange, weird, unusual, peculiar; be a surprise; happen differently from expected; go awry. See also dèm. Added 20130930.

kèmi [KÈMI] ['kEmi] (states): adj. strange, weird, unusual, peculiar; unexpected; surprising; different from expected, from kèm, -i. See also dèmi. Added 20130930.

kèmisö [KÈMISO] ['kEmiso] (states): v. be strange, weird, unusual, peculiar; act differently from expected; try to shock, from kèm, -i, -sö. See also dèmisö. Added 20130930.

kèmli ['kEmli] (plants): n. bleeding heart plant. Added 1984-1987.

kep- [KÈP [kEp] (adpositions): adp., pref. to, as in giving to; dative case. Added 1984-19860316.

kèpdatë ['kEpdate] (language): v. tell (someone), from kep-, té. Added 20030507.

këràt [KE'RAT [ke'4at] (food): n. salt. Added 20050122.

kéri ['KERI] ['ke4i] (food): adj. salty (to the taste). Added 20090321.

kërín [ke'4in] (plants): n. hyacinth plant or flower. Added 198604.

kérsa ['ke4sa] (location): n. secluded spot. Added 1984-1987.

-kes KÈS [kEs] (grammar, nouns): deriv., suff. piece of, part of. Added 20000330.

kèsanik ['kEsanik] (physical): v. to cut up, to chop. Added 20050122.

kèshe ['KÈSHÈ] ['kESE] (food): n. flour. Added 20050122.

ketí [kE'ti] (plants): n. wildflower glossed as "early tiny white cups". Added 198604.

khà- ['xa] (grammar, nouns): adj., pref. denotes roughness, harshness. Added 20040203.

kha- [XA [xa] (comparisons): adj., pref. a rough X. See also -shi. Added 20070824.

khàdelü ['xadElu] (cosmos): n. rock. Added 20040203.

khasúd [XA'SUD [xa'sud] (animals): n. housefly. Added 20090223.

khrà [X'RA] [x'4a] (animals): n. spider. Added 20070422.

khúd ['xud] (change): n. rot, decay. Added 20090319.

khúdi ['xudi] (change): adj. rotten, decayed, from khúd, -i. Added 20090223.

ki- [KI [ki] (grammar, verbs): part., pref. future tense (before consonants). Added 1984-1987.

kicèp [ki'kwEp] (mind): v. to learn. Added 1984-1987.

kíe ['KIÈ ['kiE] (body): n. eye. Added 1984-1987.

kíela ['kiEla] (location): n. home. Added 1989-1990.

kièni [ki'Eni] (body): adj. eye-related. Added 1984-1987.

kífli ['kifli] (wh-words): adv. there. Added 1984-1987.

kímö ['kimo] (time): adv. forever. Added 1984-1987.

kimöhàla [kimo'hala] (time): v. to happen always, to happen every time, to continue on, from kímö, hàla. Added 20081118.

kípi ['KIPI] ['kipi] (plants): n. cherry blossom. See also èdek. Added 198604.

-klà K'LA] [k'la] (comparisons): adj., suff. an inherently cold X. -klà is used after vowels, -iklà after consonants. Added 20070824.

-kö KO] [kjo] (adpositions): adp., suff. through. Added 20040815.

kól ['KOL ['kjol] (states): n. danger. See also mèl. Added 20081118.

kór ['kjo4] (artifacts): v. to bind. Added 1984-1987.

kshía ['KKIA] ['kSia] (cosmos): n. fire, loosely from týa. Added 1984.

kshíai ['KKIAI] [k'Siai] (cosmos): adj. fiery. Added 1984-1987.

kshíti ['KKITI] [k'Siti] (comparisons): adj. different. See also làpi. Added 20090322.

kshút [k'Sut] (health): v. sneeze. Added 20090202.

-kü KU] [kju] (adpositions): adp., suff. against. Added 1984-1987.

['KU] ['kju] (shapes): n. point, acute angle. Added 20090107.

küartétë [kjua4'tete] (interactions): v. to oppose, fight, from -kü, artétë. Added 20001006.

küartëtépia [KUAR'TETEPIA] [kjua4te'tepia] (interactions): n. opposition, from küartétë, -pi, -a. Added 20020421.

kúbi ['kjubi] (colors): adj. blue. Added 20070823.

kúdatë ['kjudate] (language): v. disagree with someone, from -kü, té. See also lídatë. Added 20030507.

küéba [kju'eba] (cosmos): n. sky. Added 1984-1987.

küembèlü [kjuEm'bElu] (plants): n. phlox, nèlü küèbi, nèlü lúpi, from küèba, nèlü. Added 20070815.

kúki ['kjuki] (physical): adj. jagged, from kú, -ki. Added 20090107.

kükóla [kju'kjola] (interactions): v. protect from danger, from kü-, kól. Added 20081118.

küpàgë [KU'PAGE] [kju'page] (physical): v. block, obstruct; bar the way, stand in the way of; stand against, from kü-, pàgë. Added 20131002.

küpagépia [KUPA'GEPIA] [kjupa'gepia] (physical): n. barrier, obstacle, obstruction; guard, line of defense, from kü-, pàgë, -pi, -a. Added 20131002.

kúpisha ['KUPISHA] ['kjupiSa] (food): n. honey, loosely from kúshi and ípshi, unless kúshi is derived from this. Added 20090321.
Example: dsíman kúpisha'c síröp'n.

kúshi ['KUSHI] ['kjuSi] (food): adj. sweet (to the taste), loosely from kúpisha or vice versa. Added 20090321.
Example: kúpisha kúshisöp'n.

l- [L [l] (grammar, verbs): part., pref. subjunctive mood (before vowels). Added 1984-1987.

la- [LA [la] (grammar, verbs): part., pref. inceptive. Added 20040322.

làcci ['LACCI] ['latsi] (food): n. allium native to the mërèchi continent; also used to refer to such imports as onions, garlic, shallots and leeks. Added 20050122.

làcha ['LAXA] ['laxa] (food): n. flatbread. Added 20050122.

lachàtia [LA'XATIA] [la'xatia] (food): n. pie. Added 20050122.

lacú [LA'CU] [la'ku] (physical): v. open (intransitive), from la-, cú. Added 20121203.

lacüdà [CU'DA] [laku'da] (physical): v. open (transitive), from la-, cú, -dà. Added 20121203.

làda ['LADA] ['lada] (physical): v. flow. Added 1989-1990.

ladadà [LA'DADA] [lada'da] (physical): v. wash away, make flow away, from làda, -dà. Added 20020421.

ladísö [LA'DISO] [la'diso] (space): v. come to be in place, get in place, take one's place, from la-, dísö. Added 20060302.

làfü ['LAFU] ['lafu] (calendar): n. day three. Added 1984-1987.

lahartesödà [LAARTESO'DA] [laha4tEso'da] (physical): v. web up, enwebben, from la-, àrtë, -sö, -dà. Added 20070422.

lahú [LA'HU] [la'hu] (language): n. name. Added 20060302.

lahüté [lahu'te] (language): v. to call (someone something), from lahú, té. Added 20060302.

laílpala [la'ilpala] (relationships): v. to get married, from la-, ilpàla. Added 20040608.
Example: ki'laílpalap'a Èricli mètüdi.

lailpalàpia [LAILPA'LAPIA] [lailpa'lapia] (relationships): n. wedding, from lailpàla, -pi, -a. Added 20040608.

lakàl [la'kjal] (interactions): v. capture, catch, seize (an animate creature), loosely from akàl. Added 20090322.
Example: khrà àccatanic lakàln'r.

làl ['LAL] ['lal] (cosmos): n. air. Added 1984-1987.

lalacíra [LALA'CIRA] [lala'kwi4a] (body): v. breathe, loosely from làl, círa. Added 19990917.

laléri [LA'LERI] [la'le4i] (emotions): v. feel relieved, feel grateful for someone's help, from alàla, léri. Added 20070127.

laléria [LA'LERIA] [la'le4ia] (emotions): n. feeling of gratitude/relief, from laléri, -a. Added 20070127.

lalétë [la'lete] (emotions): v. to give thanks for a favor, from laléri, té. Added 20070127.

lalilitànsö [LALILI'TANSO] [lalili'tanso] (physical): v. become foam or froth; of a wave, to break, from la-, lilitàn, -sö. Added 20090315.

làllë ['lalle] (emotions): excl. thanks, from alàla, èllë. Added 20070127.

làma ['lama] (basics): n. life. Added 1984-1987.

làmakes ['LAMAKÈS ['lamakEs] (plants): n. plant, growing thing, types of plants, from làma, -kes. Added 20040806.

lamrén [lam'4en] (portentousness): n. constrictions. Added 1984-1987.

làpi ['lapi] (comparisons): adj. same, similar. See also kshíti. Added 20090322.

làra ['la4a] (emotions): v. to laugh. Added 20040322.

laradà [la4a'da] (interactions): v. to amuse, to be amusing, from làra, -dà. Added 20070901.

laradafà [la4ada'fa] (emotions): v. to be amused. Added 20070901.

làri ['LARI] ['la4i] (physical): adj. arid, dessicated; without moisture inside, dried out; used as an exaggeration for "thirsty". See also kàli, síri. Added 20070816.

larít [LA'RIT [la'4it] (physical): v. close up, shut (intransitive), from la-, rít. See also lacú. Added 20131002.

laritdà [LARIT'DA] [la4it'da] (physical): v. close, shut (transitive), from la-, rít, -dà. See also lacüdà. Added 20131002.

làsëal ['laseal] (time): n. yesterday. Added 20070802.

làtar ['lata4] (location): n. park. Added 1989-1990.

latèm [LA'TÈM [la'tEm] (plants): n. tree. Added 1984-1987.

latèmia [LA'TÈMIA] [la'tEmia] (artifacts): n. wood, from latèm, -i, -a. Added 20070417.

latemyàt [LATÈM'YAT [latEm'jat] (artifacts): v. craft something of wood, from latèmia, -àt. Added 20070417.

latèmyis [la'tEmjis] (plants): n. forest, woods, mass of trees, from latèm, -yis. Added 20000330.

làti ['lati] (colors): adj. green. Added 20040806.

latív [LA'TIV [la'tiv] (location): n. park, refuge, green world, from làti, -tív. Added 1984-1990.

latýraisö [LA'TYRAISO] [la'ti4aiso] (emotions): v. cheer up (intrans.), from la-, týrai, -sö. Added 20040815.

latyraisödà [LATYRAISO'DA] [lati4aiso'da] (emotions): v. cheer (someone) up, from la-, týrai, -sö, -dà. Added 20040815.

lë- [LE [le] (grammar): deriv., pref. happiness prefix, like ty- but less holy. Added 20070802.

lèchta ['LÈXTA] ['lExta] (calendar): n. month four. Added 1984-1987.

léd [LÈD ['led] (animals): n. duck. Added 1984-1987.

lëhàccö [le'hatso] (unclassified): v. to party, to gather in celebration, from lë-, àccö. Added 20070802.

lèl ['LÈL] ['lEl] (physical): v. boil (intrans.), as liquid. Added 20100909 .

leldà [LÈL'DA] [lEl'da] (physical): v. boil, bring liquid to a boil, from lèl, -dà. Added 20100909 .

lélitídë [LELI'TIDE] ['leli'tide] (animals): n. waterbird. Added 1984-1987.

lèn [LÈN] ['lEn] (numbers): num. four. Added 1984-1987.

lendàslöt [LÈN'DASLOT [lEn'daslot] (animals): n. four-legged creature or thing, from lèn, dàlö, -s--t. Added 20090223.

lènthon ['LÈNTHÒN] ['lEnTOn] (shapes): n. square, rectangle, from lèn, thòn. Added 20090319.

lènyis ['LÈNYIS ['lEnjis] (numbers): n. quadruple, quartet; the four-day week of the mërèchi ceremonial calendar, from lèn, -yis. Added 20100913 .

lér ['LER] ['le4] (motion): v. float; swim about, move about in water; be in water. Added 20111215.

léri ['LERI] ['le4i] (emotions): v. feel (an emotion). Added 20040322.

lése ['LESÈ] ['lesE] (plants): n. tulip. Added 198604.

lëtú [LE'TU] [le'tu] (cosmos): n. sun's arc, ecliptic plane. Added 1984-1987.

-lí LI] ['li] (adpositions): adp., suff. with. Added 1984-1987.

líaclí ['lia'kli] (comparisons): adj. old. Added 1984-1987.

líbe ['libE] (plants): n. blossom of íli tree. See also íli. Added 198604.

licà [li'kwa] (motion): v. bring something along, loosely from -li, cílvë, -dà. Added 20070127.

líca ['likwa] (wh-words): n. force. Added 1984-1987.

lída ['LIDA] ['lida] (physical): v. pour, intrans. (as in water pours past). Added 20070127.

lidadà [LI'DADA] [lida'da] (physical): v. pour (something), from lída, -dà. Added 20070127.

lídatë ['lidate] (language): v. agree with someone, from -li, té. See also kúdatë. Added 20030507.

lídë ['lide] (mind): v. to think. Added 1984-1987.

lièl [li'El] (cosmos): n. water. Added 1984.

lièla [li'Ela] (geography): n. river, from lièl, -a. Added 1984.

lièlfor [li'ElfO4] (geography): n. shore, water's edge. Added 20060302.

lielú [liE'lu] (geography): n. ocean, sea, from lièl, -ú. Added 1984.

líeri ['liE4i] (artifacts): n. candle, lamp. Added 1989-1990.

liév [li'ev] (location): n. house, dwelling. Added 1984.

liéva [li'eva] (location): n. hut, cottage; shed; small house, from liév, -a. Added 1984.

liëvú [lie'vu] (location): n. mansion, palace, from liév, -ú. Added 1984.

líf ['lif] (wh-words): adv. where. Added 1984-1987.

liléri [LI'LERI] [li'le4i] (emotions): v. feel sympathy for someone's cause or plight, from -li, léri. Added 20070127.

lilít ['LILIT [li'lit] (physical): n. bubble. Added 20090315.

lilitàn [LILI'TAN] [lili'tan] (physical): n. foam (fossilized plural of lilít), from lilít, -an. Added 20090315.

líllë ['lille] (emotions): excl. my sympathies, from -li, èllë. Added 20070127.

línta ['linta] (artifacts): n. axle, spindle, wheel, lathe; "spinner", from líta, -n-. Added 20090107.

lípsi ['lipsi] (wh-words): n. method. Added 1984-1987.

lir- [li4] (grammar): adv., pref. much-, very- (prefix to adj.). Added 20040811.

líri ['li4i] (comparisons): adj. great/big. Added 20040322.

lírya ['li4ja] (comparisons): adv. very, loosely from líryi. Added 20000330.

líryi ['li4ji] (comparisons): adj. much. Added 1984-1987.

líryikatrènfia [LIRYIKATRÈNFIA] ['li4jikjat'4Enfia] (portentousness): n. labyrinth "much-unknown-ness", from líryi, ka-, tèren, -fi, -a. Added 20000221.

líryira ['li4ji4a] (comparisons): adj. more. Added 1984-1987.

lískesi ['liskEsi] (comparisons): adj. many, loosely from líryi and -kes. Added 20020905.

líta ['lita] (shapes): n. circle. Added 1984-1987.

lítac ['litak] (wh-words): adv. when. Added 1984-1987.

litàt [li'tat] (motion): v. circle, move in a circular motion; spin, loosely from líta. Added 1984-1987.

litítë [li'tite] (motion): v. go about randomly or busily in a space. See also vér, càsa. Added 20081230.
Example: dsíman lúthianprë litítëp'të.

lítse ['litsE] (plants): n. flower glossed as "yellowclusters". Added 198604.

lítsë ['litse] (wh-words): adv. in what manner, in what circumstance. Added 1984-1987.

litúr [li'tu4] (shapes): n. spiral. Added 1984-1987.

litürkàla [LITUR'KALA] [litu4'kjala] (animals): n. spiral shell; seashell, snail shell, from litúr, kàla. Added 20090101.
Example: litürkàlan shirívanicüm éap'n..

litúrma [li'tu4ma] (motion): v. to spiral. Added 1984-1987.

lö- [LO [lo] (grammar, verbs): part., pref. subjunctive mood (before consonants). Added 1984-1987.

['LO] ['lo] (perception): v. to watch. Added 1984-1987.

lö--a [lo a] (comparisons): adj., circf. an old X. Added 20070824.

lóba ['LOBA] ['loba] (body): v. to eat. Added 1989-1990.

lödivràn [lodiv'4an] (interactions): adv. ifitplease. Added .

löhóma [LO'HOMA] [lo'homa] (cosmos): n. pre-dawn hours; very early morning; the late part of the night, from lö--a, hóm. See also altýa. Added 20111215.

lómi ['lomi] (body): n. food. Added 1989-1990.

löpàla [lo'pala] (kinship): n. one's female parallel cousin via a parent's older sibling. Added 20081219.

lötýa [LO'TYA] [lo'tia] (cosmos): n. late afternoon; the late part of the daytime, from lö--a, týa. See also alóma. Added 20111215.

['LU] ['lu] (grammar): adv. if. Added 1984-1987.

lúba ['luba] (plants): n. shrubby cinquefoil, Dasiphora fruticosa. See also tèb. Added 1984-1987.

lúhl ['LUHL ['luK] (body): v. pulse and circulate; have a heartbeat, respire. Added 20121222.
Example: valúhlia! Longevity!.

lúp ['LUP ['lup] (location): n. flat place, flat ground, plain. Added 1984.

lúpa ['lupa] (geography): n. plateau, mesa, from lúp, -a. Added 1984.

lüpàlta [lu'palta] (artifacts): n. disc; dish, plate, from lúpa, líta. Added 20070807.

lúpi ['LUPI] ['lupi] (comparisons): adj. flat, from lúp, -i. Added 20050122.

lüpú [lu'pu] (geography): n. plains, steppe, from lúp, -ú. Added 1984.

lúral ['lu4al] (unclassified): v. to ?. Added 1989-1990.

lúta ['luta] (religion): n. a divination method involving mathematical manipulations of numbers obtained via several methods including tossing sticks. Added 1984-1987.

lúthi ['luTi] (plants): n. flower, blossom. Added 1984.

lyín [l'jin] (time): n. time (specific). Added 1984-1987.

màbë ['MABE] ['mabe] (body): n. milk. See also bàbë. Added 20101109 .

-madü MADU] [madu] (time): deriv., suff. an X which happens regularly or periodically. Added 20070816.

màli ['mali] (plants): n. holly flower. See also míta. Added 1984-1987.

màm ['MAM] ['mam] (people): v. be a mother to. Added 20040203.

màrva ['ma4va] (plants): n. flower, a certain type. Added 1984-1987.

màt ['MAT ['mat] (body): v. die. Added 20000330.

màtaník ['mata'nik] (body): v. to kill or clear-cut. Added 20000330.

màtar ['mata4] (body): n. death. Added 1989-1990.

-më ME] [me] (adpositions): adp., suff. above. Added 1989-1990.

-mëa MEA] [mea] (adpositions): adp., suff. over. Added 1989-1990.

mëapàsa [mea'pasa] (motion): v. move over, move above, pass over, from -mëa, pàsa. Added 20090315.

mëàrüa [ME'ARUA] [me'a4ua] (calendar): n. day four. Added 1984-1987.

méba ['meba] (plants): n. vinca vine. See also vamé. Added 198604.

mèl ['MÈL ['mEl] (states): n. safety. See also kól. Added 20070127.

mèlë ['mEle] (kinship): n. one's same-sex cross-cousin via dòn. Added 20081219.

mèlisö ['MÈLISO] ['mEliso] (states): v. be safe, from mèl, -i, -sö. Added 20100912 .

melisödà [MÈLISO'DA] [mEliso'da] (interactions): v. make safe, protect, from mèl, -i, -sö, -dà. Added 20070127.

mèma ['mEma] (body): n. body. Added 20040815.

memèta ['MÈMÈTA] [mE'mEta] (artifacts): n. clothing, loosely from mèma, mèta. Added 20100909 .

mèn ['MÈN] ['mEn] (physical): v. be still, be silent. Added 20130714.
Example: latèmyisdi, kamènip'të tan tírrdën, të alàlt, të pëàman..

ména ['mena] (artifacts): v. to draw. Added 1984-1987.

mènila ['mEnila] (emotions): n. silence, stillness. Added 1989-1990.

mèta ['mEta] (physical): v. to cover. Added 20020421.

metafà [MÈTA'FA] [mEta'fa] (states): v. be covered, from mèta, -fà. Added 20020421.

mètü ['MÈTU] ['mEtu] (calendar): n. day two. Added 1984-1987.

-mi MI] [mi] (grammar, nouns): part., suff. "ness". -mi is used after vowels, -ími after consonants. Added 20040322.

mír ['MIR] ['mi4] (emotions): v. be at peace, be calm. Added 1984-1987.

mirgéla [mi4'gela] (motion): v. return, go back, from mir-, géla. See also mirvér. Added 20000330.

míri ['mi4i] (time): adv. again. Added 1984-1987.

mirtàva [mi4'tava] (interactions): v. return, reciprocate, from mir-, tàva. Added 20000509.

mírtë ['mi4te] (language): v. answer, reply, from míri, té. Added 20030507.

mirvér [mi4've4] (change): v. return (in abstract sense), from mir-, vér. See also mirgéla. Added 20090107.

mísë ['mise] (kinship): n. one's same-sex parallel cousin via fëné. Added 20081219.

míta ['mita] (plants): n. holly tree. See also àsi. Added 1984-1987.

mód ['MOD ['mod] (physical): v. dig a hole or tunnel in the ground. Added 20081231.
Example: càsitan dèlchëbità módap'të.

módö ['MODO] ['modo] (animals): n. beetle. Added 20090206.
Example: kàman módönnö lískesisöp'n..

mól ['MOL ['mol] (food): n. grain. Added 20070127.

mölítö [mo'lito] (wh-words): n. thing. Added 1984-1987.

mólkes ['MOLKÈS ['molkEs] (food): n. kernel of grain, from mól, -kes. Added 20070127.

mónöd ['monod] (artifacts): n. shovel, trowel ("digger"), from mód, -n-. Added 20090107.

mòrna ['mO4na] (location): n. wilderness. Added 1984-1987.

mòt ['mOt] (food): n. grape. Added 20120921.

múth ['MUTH ['muT] (physical): v. emit, put forth. Added 20101109 .

-n- N [n] (grammar, verbs): part., inf. instrumental nominalizer. Added 20090107.
Example: línta; ànccö; mónöd; bònent; ténrëk.

-n N] [n] (grammar, nouns): part., suff. collective plural for nouns ending in vowels; collective inanimates take singular neuter agreement on the verb; possessors of collectives marked as adjectives instead of with genitive or possessive. Added 1984.

-n N] [n] (grammar, verbs): part., suff. imperfective aspect (after liquids). Added 1984-1987.

-n N] [n] (grammar, verbs): pron., suff. 3rd p. s. (it), from ùn. Added 1984-1987.

['NA] ['na] (grammar): n. which, that which. Added 1984.

na'ash [naaS] (grammar): adv. on which. Added 20040203.

na'c [nak] (grammar): adj. which (accusative case). Added 20040203.

nàcüar ['nakua4] (people): n. opponent, enemy. Added 20070725.

nàda ['NADA] ['nada] (animals): n. horn of an animal. Added 20070914.

na-ésöp'da [na 'esopda] (pronouns): pron. you, who are.... Added 20040811.

na-ésöp'fö [na 'esopfo] (pronouns): pron. y'all, who are.... Added 20040811.

nai [nai] (grammar): adv? X nai Y Z, an X such that an X-ish Y Z's. Added 20040203.

nàksü ['NAKSU] ['naksu] (calendar): n. day one. Added 1984-1987.

nalàli [na'lali] (emotions): v. to play. Added 20000221.

na-màm'r [na 'mam4] (people): n. mother. Added 20040203.

nània ['nania] (kinship): n. one's same-sex antecedents: older same-sex siblings, same-sex parent, and same-sex parent's older same-sex siblings and same-sex parent, etc., from anànë. Added 20081219.

nànüra ['nanu4a] (people): n. investigator, loosely from na-núrap'ë. Added 20040815.

na-pàp'ë [na 'pape] (people): n. father. Added 20040203.

nàri ['na4i] (change): v. to become. Added 20040321.

narishidà [NARISHI'DA] [na4iSi'da] (people): n. teacher, from nà-, ríshi, -dà. Added 20060302.

natých [na'tix] (people): n. magician, wizard. Added 1989-1990.

në- [NE [ne] (body): part., pref. personal or physical realization of X, i.e. physical strength vs. power. Added 20070127.

['NE] ['ne] (pronouns): pron. 3rd p. s. m. (he). Added 1984.

néam ['neam] (wh-words): adv. here. Added 1984-1987.

nëcàlë [ne'kwale] (body): n. blood, from në-, càlë. Added 20090206.

nëcó [ne'ko] (body): n. heart (bodily organ), from në-, có. Added 20070127.

-nëdi NEDI] [nedi] (adpositions): adp., suff. toward. Added 20060302.

nëdís [ne'dis] (body): n. hair, from në-, adís. Added 20070914.

nédivër ['nedive4] (motion): v. come toward, approach, come nearer to, from -nëdi, vér. Added 20091129.

nëfàm [ne'fam] (body): n. physical strength, from në-, fàm. Added 20070127.

nèfri ['NÈFRI] ['nEf4i] (animals): n. cat. Added 20070828.

nëipà [nei'pa] (body): n. body parasite, such as a flea or tick, loosely from nëyëpàia. Added 20020905.

nëlàl [ne'lal] (body): n. breath, from në-, làl. Added 20070828.

nëlíta [ne'lita] (artifacts): n. wheel, from në-, líta. Added 20090105.

nèlü ['nElu] (plants): n. plants like rosemary or phlox. Added 20070815.

nëmúth [NE'MUTH [ne'muT] (body): v. secrete, lactate, from në-, múth. Added 20101109 .

nér ['ne4] (pronouns): pron. 3rd p. s. f. (she). Added 1984.

nèrchal ['nE4xal] (health): v. sniffle. Added 20090202.

nësòrë [ne'sO4e] (body): n. back of the body, from në-, sòrë. Added 20081118.

nësóta [NE'SOTA] [ne'sota] (body): n. (human) skin, from në-, sóta. Added 20070914.

nësúji [ne'suZi] (body): n. (someone's) voice, from në-, súji. Added 20080424.

-nët NET [net] (adpositions): adp., suff. near. -nët is used after vowels, -ènët after consonants. Added 20060302.

nëtëpémë [nete'peme] (space): v. sit near, sit close to, from -nët, pémë. Added 20090315.

nëtésa [ne'tesa] (body): n. front of the body, from në-, tésa. Added 20081118.

nétir ['NETIR] ['neti4] (space): v. be close, near, loosely from -nët. Added 20060302.

nétiri ['NETIRI] ['neti4i] (comparisons): adj. near, from nétir, -i. Added 20060302.

nétsip ['NETSIP ['netsip] (body): n. face, a person's face, from n--ip, nëtésa. Added 20081118.

néyë ['NEYE] ['neje] (perception): v. hide. Added 1984-1987.

n---i [n i] (grammar, verbs): aff. diminutive (verbs). Added 20000221.

['NI] ['ni] (grammar): conj. but. Added 1989-1990.

nícnöm ['NICNOM ['niknom] (animals): n. beak. Added 20040203.

nícsen ['niksEn] (artifacts): n. point. Added 1984-1987.

nicsú [nik'su] (artifacts): n. sword. Added 20040321.

-nídit ['nidit] (kinship): n., suff. added to a kinship title to indicate that person's entire descendant tree. Added 20081219.

ni---íp [ni 'ip] (grammar, nouns): adj., circf. diminutive (nouns); first i vanishes before vowels; second blends w/preceding vowel. Added 20000221.
Example: khrà gives nikhrèp.

nikèsi [ni'kEsi] (comparisons): adj. a little, a small amount of. Added 20050122.

níki ['niki] (comparisons): adj. sharp. Added 20040203.

nikíta [ni'kita] (plants): n. thorn (on a plant). Added 1984-1987.

níksa ['NIKSA] ['niksa] (artifacts): n. knife, loosely from aník. Added 20020420.

níllip ['nillip] (people): n. boy, from ni--ip, íllü. Added 20040203.

niltàt [nil'tat] (music): v. to compose a piece of music; to craft something of music. Added 20070417.

níltë ['nilte] (music): n. music. Added 1984-19860316.

nína ['NINA] ['nina] (kinship): n. a father's daughter; a man's younger brother's daughter; a grandfather's granddaughter; a paternal grandmother's granddaughter. Added 20081219.

ninép [NI'NEP [ni'nep] (animals): n. cat, kitten; diminutive endearment for a cat, loosely from n-néyë-ip. Added 20020420.

ninísa [ni'nisa] (kinship): n. girl's father's older brother, from inísi. Added 20081219.

nípa ['NIPA] ['nipa] (people): n. baby. Added 20040815.

nipàlip [ni'palip] (people): n. girl, from ni--ip, pàla. Added 20040203.

nipèmip [NI'PÈMIP [ni'pEmip] (people): n. child, from n- -ip, pëàma. Added 20070127.

nípi ['NIPI] ['nipi] (comparisons): adj. small. Added 20000221.

nípin àlaclían ['nipin 'alak'lian] (people): n. children. Added 20000221.

nis- [NIS [nis] (grammar): adv., pref. prefix some, a middling amount of. Added 20070127.

nisdón [nis'don] (weather): n. shade, shadow, from nis-, dón. Added 20070127.

nisèchë [ni'sExe] (physical): n. warmth, from nis-, èchë. Added 20070127.

niskabàlë [NISKA'BALE] [niskja'bale] (physical): n. coolness (temperature only!), from nis-, kabàlë. Added 20081231.

nisórösip [NI'SOROSIP [ni'so4osip] (food): n. cherry (a foreign import); sometimes also nisórösip càli, from sórös, ni--ip. Added 20110806.

nitúnip [NI'TUNIP [ni'tunip] (plants): n. bulbil; bulb produced above-ground in the flower or leaves, from tötún, ni--ip. Added 20130806.
Example: ún lúthira--nitúnipsöp'n.

niyína [ni'jina] (kinship): n. girl's paternal grandfather, from inísi. Added 20081219.

-nö NO] [no] (adpositions): adp., suff. of. Added 1984.

nóm ['NOM ['nom] (body): n. mouth. Added 20040203.

nós ['NOS ['nos] (body): v. bite. Added 20020905.

núl ['NUL ['nul] (body): n. tooth. Added 20090224.

núra ['nu4a] (perception): v. look for, search. Added 20040811.

-óbö 'OBO] ['obo] (adpositions): adp., suff. despite. -óbö is used after consonants, -bö after vowels. Added 20060302.

ól ['OL] ['ol] (animals): n. bird's egg. Added 20081230.

öliéva OLI'EVA] [oli'eva] (animals): n. bird's nest ("egg-hut"), from ól, liéva. Added 20081230.
Example: tírrdën öliévanic síröp'të.

ólit ['olit] (change): v. change, progress through a series of states; cycle. Added 20090101.
Example: pëhlètimdi, làtangë týakesan ólitap'n..

örí [o'4i] (language): v. to mention. Added 1989-1990.

òsa 'ÒSA] ['Osa] (food): v. ladle out, dip up (a liquid); draw up water from a well. Added 20110630.

ótyl ['otil] (spirit): n. soul. Added 1984-1987.

-p P [p] (grammar, verbs): part., suff. imperfective aspect (after vowels). Added 1984-1987.

pa- [PA [pa] (comparisons): adj., pref. short, not long (physically). See also -töl. Added 20070827.

-padi PADI] [padi] (adpositions): adp., suff. away from. Added 20060302.

pàgë ['PAGE] ['page] (body): v. stand. Added 20060302.

pàila ['paila] (people): n. wife, from pàla, íllü. Added 20070127.

pàla ['pala] (people): n. woman, girl. Added 20040203.

pàlit ['palit] (artifacts): n. obsolete word for "ball", see tótö. Added 20050122.

pàp ['PAP] ['pap] (people): v. be a father to. Added 20040203.

pàs- ['PAS ['pas] (numbers): num., pref. indicates third place value in a Mayan-like number structure; multiplies the following number by 400, from pàsca. Added 20081213.

pàsa ['PASA] ['pasa] (motion): v. move, bend, move about. Added 20030507.

pàsasapi ['pasasapi] (motion): adj. movable, flexible, from pàsa, -sa, -pi. Added 20080424.

pàsca ['paskwa] (numbers): num. four hundred. Added 20070802.

pàsdösa ['pasdosa] (numbers): num. six thousand, from pàs-, dósa. Added 20070802.

pàshöji ['paSoZi] (numbers): num. four thousand, from pàs-, shóji. Added 20070802.

pàslen ['paslEn] (numbers): num. sixteen hundred, from pàs-, lèn. Added 20070802.

pàspön ['paspon] (numbers): num. eight hundred, from pàs-, pón. Added 20070802.

pàssan ['passan] (numbers): num. two thousand, from pàs-, sàn. Added 20070802.

pàstor ['pastO4] (numbers): num. twelve hundred, from pàs-, tòr. Added 20070802.

-pàt 'PAT ['pat] (adpositions): adp., suff. beyond, past. -àpat is used after consonants, -pàt after vowels. Added 20000330.

pàta ['pata] (perception): v. to hear. Added 20020905.

pàtar ['pata4] (space): v. to be distant. Added 20060302.

pàtari ['pata4i] (comparisons): adj. distant. Added 20060302.

pàtatë ['patate] (language): v. query, from pàta, té. Added 20030529.

-pë PE] [pe] (adpositions): adp., suff. made from, made of. Added 20020421.

pëàma [pe'ama] (people): n. person. Added 20030529.

pëàmyis [pe'amjis] (people): n. the mass of people, from pëàma, -yis. Added 20070127.

pédatë ['PEDATE] ['pedate] (language): v. speak (a language), speak in, use, from -pë, té. Added 20140215.

pëfòrnim [PE'FÒRNIM] [pe'fO4nim] (seasons): n. season of snowing, from fòrn, pë--im. Added 1984-1987.

pëgànim [PE'GANIM] [pe'ganim] (seasons): n. season of waking, from gàn, pë--im. Added 1984-1987.

pèhla ['PÈHLA] ['pEKa] (kinship): n. a mother's son; a woman's younger sister's son; a grandmother's grandson; a maternal grandfather's grandson. Added 20081219.

pëhlètim [PE'HLÈTIM] [pe'KEtim] (seasons): n. season of fading, from hlèt, pë--im. Added 1984-1987.

pëhócim [pe'hokwim] (space): adj. far-reaching. Added 1984-1987.

pèl ['PÈL ['pEl] (physical): v. turn to ash, burn from embers to ash. Added 20091128.

p'élatim [P'ELATIM] ['pelatim] (seasons): n. season of leafing, from élat, pë--im. Added 1984-1987.

pëlúthim [PE'LUTHIM] [pe'luTim] (seasons): n. season of flowering, from lúthi, pë--im. Added 1984-1987.

pémë ['PEME] ['peme] (body): v. sit, be seated. Added 20060302.

pémit ['pemit] (artifacts): n. stool. Added 20080322.

pënémi [pe'nemi] (comparisons): adj. sneaky, stealthy, loosely from pënéyëm, hiding. Added 20020420.

pëníltëm [PE'NILTEM [pe'niltem] (seasons): n. season of singing, from níltë, pë--im. Added 1984-1987.

peníp [pE'nip] (plants): n. hosta plant. Added 1984-1987.

pénmë ['PENME] ['penme] (artifacts): n. chair, seat; something to sit on, from pémë, -n-. Added 20131002.

pëshírim [PE'SHIRIM] [pe'Si4im] (seasons): n. season of growing, from shír, pë--im. Added 1984-1987.

pësimöfàm [PESIMO'FAM [pesimo'fam] (manner): adv. clearly, naturally, as is understood, from símö, -fà, pë--im. Added 20030529.

-pi PI] [pi] (grammar, verbs): part., suff. active participle. -pi is used after vowels, -ipi after consonants. Added 1984-1987.

piccís [PI'CCIS [pit'sis] (health): v. shiver. Added 20090202.

piccísia [PI'CCISIA] [pit'sisia] (health): n. fever, from piccís, -i, -a. Added 20090202.

pícü ['piku] (music): v. to dance. Added 1984-1987.

pílcü ['pilku] (music): n. dance. Added 1984-1987.

pilúla [pi'lula] (kinship): n. girl's (marriageable) male cross-cousin via jònta; girl's (marriageable) nephew via jàra. Added 20081219.

píma ['pima] (emotions): n. compassion. Added 20040322.

pírë ['pi4e] (school and work): n. exhibit. Added 1989-1990.

píscüt ['piskut] (people): n. dancer, from pícü, -s--t. Added 1984-1987.

plí- [P'LI [p'li] (adpositions): adp., pref. without. Added 1984-1987.

pón ['PON] ['pon] (numbers): num. two. Added 1984-1987.

pönartétë [PONAR'TETE] [pona4'tete] (interactions): v. mediate between two parties, from pón, artétë. Added 1984-1987.

pöndàslöt [PON'DASLOT [pon'daslot] (animals): n. two-legged creature or thing, from pón, dàlö, -s--t. Added 20090223.

pótë ['pote] (space): v. extend, span. Added 20081118.

pötéia [po'teja] (space): n. extent, linear distance, from pótë, -i, -a. Added 20081118.

pötépia [po'tepia] (space): n. line, from pótë, -pi, -a. Added 20081118.

póvi ['povi] (comparisons): adj. tall. Added 1984-1987.

-pré P'RE] [p'4e] (adpositions): adp., suff. amidst. Added 20060302.

püài [PU'AI] [pu'ai] (food): adj. sour (to the taste). Added 20090321.

pús ['PUS ['pus] (house and home): v. discard, throw away. Added 20150806.

püsífia [PU'SIFIA] [pu'sifia] (house and home): n. garbage, trash; something discarded or thrown away, from pús, -ifi, -a. Added 20150806.

-r R] [4] (grammar, verbs): pron., suff. 3rd p. s. f. (she). Added 1984-1987.

-ra RA] [4a] (adpositions): adp., suff. "as a, acting as, for a". Added 20040322.

rabàt [4a'bat] (kinship): n. boy's maternal grandfather. Added 20081219.

rabatànë [4aba'tane] (kinship): n. boy's great-grandfather via maternal grandfather, from rabàt. Added 20081219.

ràch ['RAX ['4ax] (animals): v. hunt prey. Added 20040322.

rachéaty [RA'XEATY] [4a'xeati] (animals): n. predator, animal that hunts, from ràch, éaty. Added 20040322.

rachífia [RA'XIFIA] [4a'xifia] (animals): n. prey, something hunted, from ràch, -ífi, -a. Added 20081214.

ràcü ['4aku] (mind): n. brain. Added 1984-1987.

ràmpi ['4ampi] (school and work): adj. busy. Added 1989-1990.

ràneld ['4anEld] (interactions): v. to withhold. Added 1984-1987.

rànon ['RANÒN] ['4anOn] (animals): n. horse. Added 20070828.

ràschat ['rasxat] (people): n. hunter, one who hunts as a profession, from ràch, -s--t. Added 20081215.

-rdökh [4dox] (health): deriv., suff. be pained in the body part to which it is suffixed. Added 20090209.

rechít [RÈ'XIT [4E'xit] (calendar): n. month seven. Added 1984-1987.

rèl ['RÈL ['4El] (body): n. hand. Added 20070127.

rém ['REM ['4em] (physical): v. encircle. Added 20140305.

rèn ['4En] (manner): adv. even so. Added 1984-1987.

rènach ['4Enax] (mind): n. genius. Added 1989-1990.

rènta ['RÈNTA] ['4Enta] (artifacts): n. needle, from rèta, -n-. Added 20140303.

rèta ['RÈTA] ['4Eta] (artifacts): v. sew. Added 20140303.

ríba ['4iba] (wh-words): adv. thus. Added 1984-1987.

rilàd [RI'LAD [4i'lad] (geography): n. river, loosely from lièl, làda. Added 20130930.

ríni ['4ini] (comparisons): adj. bright. Added 1984-1987.

ríshi ['4iSi] (mind): adj. wise. Added 1984-1987.

rishidà [4iSi'da] (mind): v. teach; make wise; impart wisdom, from ríshi, -dà. Added 20030529.

ríshliri ['4iSli4i] (mind): adj. wisest, from ríshi, -liri. Added 1984-1987.

rít ['RIT ['4it] (physical): v. be closed, be shut (intransitive). See also . Added 20131002.

rív ['4iv] (time): adv. each time. Added 1984-1987.

ròg [RÒG ['4Og] (animals): n. wolf. Added 20040203.

róli ['4oli] (plants): n. barley. Added 20040322.

rü- [RU [4u] (grammar): adv., pref. exceedingly, excessively (prefix to adj. or verb). Added 20040815.

rüdipàripi [RUDI'PARIPI] [4udi'pa4ipi] (comparisons): adj. overeager, from rü-, dipàri, -pi. Added 20040815.

rúk ['RUK ['4uk] (physical): v. char, to become charred. Added 20091128.

rússi ['4ussi] (school and work): adj. russian. Added 1989-1990.

-sa SA] [sa] (grammar, verbs): deriv., suff. potential of verb. Added 20030529.

sàcca ['SACCA] ['satsa] (animals): n. a fin. Added 20070912.

sàch ['sax] (physical): v. to crumble. Added 1984-1987.

sachífia [sa'xifia] (physical): n. dust ("crumbles"), from sàch, -ifi, -a. Added 20090427.

sachiléa [SAXI'LEA] [saxi'lea] (animals): n. moth ("dust-wing"), loosely from sachífia, aléa. See also tyaléa. Added 20090427.
Example: sachiléan líerinenët litítëp'n.

sàla ['SALA] ['sala] (food): n. oil. Added 20050122.

sàlila ['salila] (unclassified): v. to ?. Added 1989-1990.

sàlma ['salma] (perception): n. aromatic sharp clear scent (rosemary, pine, citrus). Added 20070815.

salmanèlü [SALMA'NÈLU] [salma'nElu] (plants): n. rosemary, nèlü sàlmai, from sàlma, nèlü. Added 20070815.

sàma ['sama] (together and apart): v. to greet, hail. Added 20060302.

samàn [sa'man] (kinship): n. one's same-sex parent's opposite-sex parent. Added 20081219.

sàn ['SAN] ['san] (numbers): num. five. Added 1984-1987.

sànlen ['SANLÈN] ['sanlEn] (numbers): num. nine, from sàn, lèn. Added 20100908 .

sànpön ['SANPON] ['sanpon] (numbers): num. seven, from sàn, pón. Added 20100908 .

sànsë ['SANSE] ['sanse] (numbers): num. six, from sàn, sé. Added 20100908 .

sansëdàslöt [SANSE'DASLOT [sanse'daslot] (animals): n. six-legged creature or thing, from sàn, sé, dàlö, -s--t. Added 20090223.

sàntor ['SANTÒR] ['santO4] (numbers): num. eight, from sàn, tòr. Added 20100908 .

santordàslöt [SANTÒR'DASLOT [santO4'daslot] (animals): n. eight-legged creature or thing, from sàn, tòr, dàlö, -s--t. Added 20090223.

sànyis ['SANYIS ['sanjis] (numbers): n. quintuple, quintet; the four-day week of the mërèchi ceremonial calendar, from sàn, -yis. Added 20100913 .

sàplü ['saplu] (kinship): n. child of one's opposite-sex younger sibling. Added 20081219.

sasàtë [sa'sate] (kinship): n. one's opposite-sex parallel cousin via fëné, from sàtë. Added 20081219.

sàtë ['sate] (kinship): n. one's opposite-sex younger sibling; one's same-sex older sibling's opposite-sex child. Added 20081219.

-së SE] [se] (grammar, verbs): pron., suff. these. Added 20070127.

['SE] ['se] (numbers): num. one. Added 1984-1987.

-sèbit ['sEbit] (kinship): n., suff. added to a kinship title to indicate that person's partial descendant tree, through same-sex nodes to same- and opposite-sex leaf nodes. Added 20081219.

séclë ['sekle] (wh-words): adv. while. Added 20030507.

sècshe ['sEkSE] (numbers): adj. first, initial, from sé, -cshe. Added 1984-19860316.

séfli ['SEFLI] ['sefli] (wh-words): adv. at the same place; colocated; the same place, loosely from sé-, fíli. Added 20081208.

ségatéta ['sega'teta] (artifacts): n. blog, online journal, from calatéfia sépëmgë tagàiali gükhatàtifi. Added 20070802.

séhlir ['SEHLIR] ['seKi4] (wh-words): adv. for the same reason. Added 20140311.

séi ['sei] (together and apart): adj. one, alone. Added 1984-1987.

séia ['SEIA] ['seja] (together and apart): n. uniqueness, a unique thing, from séi, -a. Added 1984-1987.

sëlà [se'la] (physical): v. to stroke. Added 20070914.

sëléri [SE'LERI] [se'le4i] (emotions): v. feel unique, from sé, léri. Added 20081205.

sélic ['selik] (wh-words): adv. by the same force. Added 20081208.

sélis ['selis] (wh-words): adv. by the same method. Added 20081208.

sëlítya [SE'LITYA] [se'litja] (calendar): n. full day, a day and a night, a particular date, from sé, týa. Added 1984-19860316.

sémliö ['semlio] (wh-words): n. the same thing. Added 20040811.

sèmt ['sEmt] (physical): v. to set out, to lay out in rows. Added 1984-1987.

sénda ['SENDA] ['senda] (together and apart): adv. alone, loosely from . Added 1984-1987.

sénë ['sene] (perception): n. sweet, floral scent. Added 20070815.

sénësi ['senesi] (having): adj. empty. Added 1989-1990.

sépëm ['sepem] (people): adj. the same person. Added 20030529.

séra ['se4a] (manner): adv. as one, as in to do as one, from sé, -ra. Added 20080424.

sëràisö [se'4aiso] (together and apart): v. to be as one, from séra, -i, -sö. Added 20080424.

sértima ['se4tima] (motion): v. glide, move smoothly over a surface. Added 1984-1987.

sètëpi ['SÈTEPI] ['sEtepi] (language): adj. in concert, speaking together, from *sètë, -pi. Added 20070127.

shàpü ['Sapu] (perception): v. touch, feel, perceive by touch. See also gón. Added 20090223.

shë- [SHE [Se] (grammar): part., pref. the right amount of X; enough X, not too much X. Added 20100905 .

shen- [SHÈN [SEn] (comparisons): adj., pref. narrow. See also hër-. Added 20070827.

shënèd [SHEN'ÈD] [Se'nEd] (cosmos): n. equinox, from shë-, enèd. Added 20120921.

shërúk [SHE'RUK [Se'4uk] (food): v. be roasted over fire; be cooked; be fried, baked, parched, toasted, from shë-, rúk. Added 20100905 .

shërükidà [SHERUKI'DA] [Se4uki'da] (food): v. roast something over fire; cook something; fry, bake, parch, toast something, from shërúk, -dà. Added 20100905 .

shi- [Si] (comparisons): adj., pref. a smooth X. See also -kha. Added 20070824.

shír ['Si4] (change): v. to grow. Added 1984-1987.

shirdà [SHIR'DA] [Si4'da] (change): v. sustain, allow to grow, support, from shír, -dà. Added 20040203.

shiréata [Si'4eata] (plants): n. plant. Added 20060302.

shiréaty [Si'4eati] (plants): n. plant life. Added 20060302.

shirív [Si'4iv] (location): n. garden, field, orchard, greenhouse; planted area, from shír, -tív. Added 20090101.
Example: litürkàlan shirívanicüm éap'n..

shírsa ['SHIRSA] ['Si4sa] (change): v. be able to grow, from shír, -sa. Added 20040203.

shíve ['SivE] (weather): n. filmy, silky cloud; cirrus cloud. Added 1984-1987.

shivúi [Si'vui] (comparisons): adj. soft. Added 20040811.

shóji ['SoZi] (numbers): num. ten. Added 1984-1987.

-si SI] [si] (grammar, verbs): pron., suff. this. Added 20070127.

si [SI] [si] (comparisons): adv. likewise. Added 1989-1990.

sífi ['SIFI] ['sifi] (language): v. whisper. Added 20030507.

síli ['sili] (wh-words): adv. how. Added 1984-1987.

silúvi [si'luvi] (colors): adj. purple (amethyst). Added 20070927.

sím ['SIM ['sim] (shapes): n. bend, curve, oblique angle. Added 20090107.

simfòra [SIM'FÒRA] [sim'fO4a] (motion): v. bend away from, wander away from the path, deviate from plan, from sím, fòra. Added 20130416.

simfòsrat [SIM'FÒSRAT [sim'fOs4at] (motion): n. deviant, from simfòra, -s--t. Added 20130416.

sími ['simi] (kinship): n. one's older sister. Added 20081219.

simílë [si'mile] (kinship): n. one's male parallel cousin via a parent's older sibling. Added 20081219.

símö ['simo] (mind): v. understand. Added 1984-1987.

simöfà [simo'fa] (mind): v. be understood, from símö, -fà. Added 20081214.

símpë ['simpe] (kinship): n. boy's (marriageable) female cross-cousin via dòn; boy's (marriageable) dòn. Added 20081219.

sinít [si'nit] (weather): n. rain. Added 1984-1987.

síntë ['sinte] (plants): n. dandelion plant and flower. Added 198604.

síp ['SIP ['sip] (basics): n. things. Added 1989-1990.

sípra ['SIPRA] ['sip4a] (animals): n. fish. Added 20070914.

síri ['SIRI] ['si4i] (physical): adj. containing moisture, humid; wet through; not dried out. See also càshi, làri. Added 20070816.

sirisótai [SIRI'SOTAI] [si4i'sotai] (animals): adj. amphibian. Added .

sírö ['si4o] (artifacts): v. to make. Added 1984-1987.

sisími [si'simi] (kinship): n. girl's father's older sister, from sími. Added 20081219.

sísröt ['sis4ot] (people): n. artist, creator, builder, maker, from sírö, -s--t. Added 1989-1990.

síti ['siti] (perception): v. to taste. Added 20080420.

-sö SO] [so] (grammar, verbs): deriv., suff. to be X. Added 20040806.
Example: aníksöp'n: it's the knife. yilàtisöp'n: it's the greenest.

sóch ['sox] (body): n. tongue. Added 20070811.

sóchikör ['soxikjo4] (language): v. tongue-bind; make speechless, from sóch, kór. Added 20070811.
Example: na-sóchikörn'n: tongue twister.

sódöi ['sodoi] (mind): adj. bored. Added 1989-1990.

sól ['SOL ['sol] (cosmos): n. moisture. Added 1984-1987.

sòmma ['sOmma] (weather): n. low gray rainclouds, overcast; nimbostratus, or other stratus, cloudcover. Added 20081211.

-sor SÒR] [sO4] (adpositions): adp., suff. behind, from . See also -tës. Added 20081118.

sòrë ['sO4e] (space): n. back side of something. Added 20081118.

sorgéla [sO4'gela] (motion): v. follow (walking, going in a line), from -sor, géla. See also tëccéla. Added 20081118.

sórös enèdi ['SOROSendbeginÈ'NÈDI] ['so4os E'nEdi] (food): n. peach (known from foreign travelers). Added 20110806.

sórös fàli ['SOROSendbegin'FALI] ['so4os 'fali] (food): n. apricot (known from foreign travellers). Added 20110806.

sórös silúvi ['SOROSendbeginSI'LUVI] ['so4os si'luvi] (food): n. plum (known from foreign travellers). Added 20110806.

sórös ['SOROS ['so4os] (food): n. mërèchi plum, actually more like a cross between a cherry and a nectarine. Added 20110806.

sóta ['SOTA] ['sota] (animals): n. hide, surface, skin. Added 20070914.

sòth ['SÒTH ['sOT] (animals): n. worm, caterpillar. Added 20090101.
Example: sòthet líryira elfàsap'të büràiahla sinítnö..

sóveti ['sovEti] (school and work): adj. soviet. Added 1989-1990.

-s--t [ s t] (grammar, verbs): part., circf. agent nominalizer; one who habitually X's or whose role it is to X. The s is inserted after a non-final accented vowel, or the second-to-last vowel if the word is accented finally, with simplification of the resulting consonant cluster if necessary. The t follows the final vowel. Added 20100124.
Example: ràschat, sísröt.

-sü SU] [su] (adpositions): adp., suff. the size of. Added 20050122.

súji ['suZi] (physical): n. characteristic noise (of something). Added 20080424.

súlaran ['sula4an] (weather): n. mist. Added 1984-1987.

súlvi ['sulvi] (plants): n. plant bast fiber. Added 20081230.
Example: súlvi'c chüérn'fa; sènten lasúlvipëisöp'n.

súmli ['sumli] (kinship): n. boy's (marriageable) female cross-cousin via dènë; boy's (marriageable) niece via sími. Added 20081219.

súmsü ['SUMSU] ['sumsu] (animals): n. rhino beetle, very big bug. Added 20090505.
Example: gíktelür yilíri - súmsüsöp'n.

súrmur ['su4m@4] (body): n. sleep. Added 1984-1987.

súsü ['susu] (body): n. rest. Added 1984-1987.

-t T [t] (grammar, nouns): part., suff. countable plural for nouns ending in vowels. Added 1984-1987.

t- [T [t] (grammar, verbs): part., pref. past tense (before vowels). Added 1984-1987.

-ta TA] [ta] (grammar, verbs): pron., suff. that. Added 20070127.

tàch ['tax] (manner): adv. so. Added 1989-1990.

tacíl [ta'kwil] (geography): n. hill. Added 1984.

tacíla [ta'kwila] (geography): n. hummock, small hill, from tacíl, -a. Added 1984.

tacíliel [TA'CILIÈL] [ta'kwiliEl] (geography): n. island, from tacíl, lièl. Added 20121202.

tacilú [takwi'lu] (geography): n. mountain, from tacíl, -ú. Added 1984.

tàf ['TAF ['taf] (plants): n. pussywillow bush. See also èdë. Added 198604.

tàga ['taga] (together and apart): v. connect (to something or someone). Added 20090105.
Example: jatàgap'a fàldiöli na-íödierifàp..

tàgai ['TAGAI] ['tagai] (together and apart): adj. connected, from tàga, -i. Added 1989-1990.

tagàia gükhatàtifi [ta'gaja guxa'tatifi] (artifacts): n. Internet connection, from tagàia, gúkha. Added 20070802.
Example: calatéfia sépëmgë tagàiali gükhatàtifi.

tagàia [TA'GAIA] [ta'gaja] (school and work): n. connection, Internet; also tagàfia, from tàgai, -a. Added 1998.

tagàpia [ta'gapia] (school and work): n. conn'r. tagàpia ladafiànnö: router, from tàga, -pi, -a. Added 1998.

tagéaty [TA'GEATY] [ta'geati] (language): n. language, from tàga, éaty. Added 19991028.

tagéatykes [TA'GEATYKÈS [ta'geatikEs] (language): n. word, morpheme, from tagéaty, -kes. Added 20030603.

tagüàkh [tagu'ax] (artifacts): n. the Net, from tagàia gükhatàtifi. Added 20070802.

tàkë ['take] (plants): n. iris plant. Added 198604.

tàla ['tala] (motion): v. walk, go by walking. Added 20000330.

talàfia [ta'lafia] (motion): n. footstep, path, from tàla, -fi, -a. Added 20040203.

tàmë ['tame] (artifacts): n. window. Added 20040815.

tan [tan] (comparisons): adv. only. Added 1989-1990.

tàna ['tana] (plants): n. grass. Added 198604.

tàpri ['tap4i] (interactions): v. to care for, to tend. Added 20080420.

tàred ['ta4Ed] (people): n. martial artist. Added 1989-1990.

tàri ['ta4i] (motion): v. fly. Added 20020507.

tarrài [ta'rai] (emotions): n. flying freedom. Added 1984-1987.

-tàt 'TAT] ['tat] (artifacts): v., suff. craft something of X material; use to make something. -àt is used after consonants, -tàt after vowels. Added 20070417.

tatàla [ta'tala] (motion): v. run, loosely from tàla. Added 20000330.

tàva ['tava] (having): v. give, give something to someone. Added 20000509.

-të TE] [te] (grammar, verbs): pron., suff. 3rd p. p. (they). Added 1984-1987.

të- [TE [te] (grammar, verbs): part., pref. past tense (before consonants). Added 1984-1987.

[TE] [te] (grammar): conj. and. Added 1984-19860316.

['TE] ['te] (language): v. to say (something). Added 20030507.

te- [TÈ [tE] (numbers): num., pref. indicates second place value in a Mayan-like number structure; multiplies the following number by 20, from tèpsë. Added 20081213.

tëàctö [te'akto] (artifacts): v. create, make from nothing, think up. Added 1984-1987.

tëàstöt [te'astot] (people): n. creator, from tëàctö, -s--t. Added 20100124.

tèb [TÈB ['tEb] (plants): n. flower of the shrubby cinquefoil, Dasiphora fruticosa. See also lúba. Added 1984-1987.

tèca ['tEkwa] (change): v. to end. Added 20000221.

tecàpia [TÈ'CAPIA] [tE'kwapia] (change): n. ending, finale, from tèca, -pi, --a. Added 20000221.

tëccéla [tet'sela] (motion): v. lead (walking, going in a line), from -tës, géla. See also sorgéla. Added 20081118.

tèden ['tEdEn] (time): v. to await, to wait. Added 20060302.

tedósa [tE'dosa] (numbers): num. three hundred, from te-, dósa. Added 1984-1987.

téfia ['TEFIA] ['tefia] (language): n. word, saying, speech, promise, from té, -fi, -a. Added 20030529.

tëfiàt [tefi'at] (language): v. to compose a speech; to craft something of spoken words. Added 20070417.

tèkshe ['tEkSE] (perception): n. spicy scent (cinnamon, sandalwood). Added 20070815.

tèlch [TÈLX ['tElx] (calendar): n. month one. Added 1984-1987.

telèn [tE'lEn] (numbers): num. eighty, from te-, lèn. Added 20070802.

telí [TÈ'LI] [tE'li] (animals): n. an insect's antenna. Added 20070912.

tèlki ['tElki] (perception): adj. vision-related. Added 1984-1987.

tèlkië ['tElkie] (perception): n. vision, revelation, dream, hallucination. Added 1984-1987.

tèm ['tEm] (pronouns): pron. 3rd p. p. (they). Added 1984.

tèmita ['tEmita] (animals): n. short for tèmitata. Added 20040806.

tèmitata ['TÈMITATA] ['tEmitata] (animals): n. deer, loosely from tatalàpia latèmyisnö. Added 20000330.

tèmpe ['tEmpE] (plants): n. columnar blue flower; mërèchi bluebells. Added 198604.

ténë ['tene] (location): v. to camp (somewhere). Added 20040322.

tënéfia [TE'NEFIA] [te'nefia] (location): n. campsite, from ténë, -fi, -a. Added 20040322.

ténrëk ['ten4ek] (artifacts): n. pen, pencil ("writer"), from térk, -n-. Added 20090107.

-tep TÈP [tEp] (adpositions): adp., suff. before (temporal). See also -hla. Added 20090101.

tepón [tE'pon] (numbers): num. forty, from te-, pón. Added 1984-1987.

tèpsë ['tEpse] (numbers): num. twenty. Added 1984-1987.

tèpsëdàslöt [TÈPSE'DASLOT ['tEpse'daslot] (animals): n. many-legged creature or thing; centipede, from tèpsë, dàlö, -s--t. Added 20090223.

tèpsëty [TÈPSETY] ['tEpseti] (calendar): n. month (twenty-day), from tèpsë. Added 20070804.

téra ['te4a] (motion): v. go a certain way, go by a route, travel. See also vér. Added 1984-1987.

tëràfia [te'4afia] (motion): n. road, route, from téra, -fi, -a. Added 20000221.

térc ['te4k] (language): v. record, write. Added 1984-1987.

tërcàvia [te4'kwavia] (location): n. library, loosely from tërín, probably. Added 1989-1990.

tercèp [tE4'kwEp] (mind): n. wisdom. Added 1984-1987.

tercèpi [tE4'kwEpi] (mind): adj. wise, knowing, loosely from térc, -pi. Added 1984-1987.

tërcífia lífiànö [te4'kwifia 'lifi'ano] (geography): n. map "writing of places?". Added 20000221.

tërcifiàt [te4kwifi'at] (language): v. to compose an essay; to craft something of written words. Added 20070417.

tèren ['tE4En] (mind): v. know. Added 1984-1987.

térena ['te4Ena] (mind): n. knowledge, from téren. Added 1984-1987.

tërín gükhatàtifi [te'4in guxa'tatifi] (artifacts): n. computer, "wire book", from tërín, gúkha. Added 20070802.

terín [tE'4in] (language): n. book, loosely from térk, "write". Added 1984-1987.

tértë ['te4te] (language): n. alphabet. Added 1984-1987.

-tës TES [tes] (adpositions): adp., suff. in front of, from . See also -sor. Added 20081118.

tésa ['tesa] (space): n. front side of something. Added 20081118.

tesàn [tE'san] (numbers): num. one hundred, from te-, sàn. Added 20070802.

teshóji [tE'SoZi] (numbers): num. two hundred, from te-, shóji. Added 1984-1987.

tèt ['TÈT] ['tEt] (emotions): n. hatred. Added 1984-1987.

tétë ['tete] (time): adv. already. Added 20030529.

tëténa [te'tena] (kinship): n. boy's mother's older sister, from ëtéyi. Added 20081219.

téti ['teti] (cosmos): n. star (informal). See also tytitàpia. Added 1984-1987.

tetòr [tE'tO4] (numbers): num. sixty, from te-, tòr. Added 1984-1987.

tetyú [tE'tju] (emotions): v. to hate. Added 1984-1987.

tèvi ['TÈVI] ['tEvi] (comparisons): adj. paradoxical; specifically, a quality emerging from its opposite. Added 20090331.
Example: týa tèvi: light arising from darkness, hallucinatory lights or stars. pasàia tèvi: static dynamism, motion in stillness. kèhianë tèvi: the povery of prosperity. dièria tèvi: the plenty of simplicity.).

tëyéna [te'jena] (kinship): n. boy's maternal grandmother, from ëtéyi. Added 20081219.

thèshavë ['TESave] (plants): n. forsithia bush. See also fèsh. Added 198604.

thòn ['THÒN] ['TOn] (shapes): n. right angle. Added 20090107.

thòni ['TOni] (shapes): adj. blocky, stepped, from thòn, -i. Added 20090107.

thúl ['THUL ['Tul] (geography): n. island. Added 20121203.

tíd ['TID ['tid] (interactions): v. to help. Added 1984-1987.

tidéfia [ti'defia] (school and work): n. customer, one who is helped. Added 1998.

tidléri [TID'LERI] [tid'le4i] (emotions): v. feel helpful, from tíd, léri. Added 20070127.

tíla ['tila] (wh-words): n. conditions, manner, circumstances. Added 1984-1987.

tíls ['tils] (emotions): n. strength of spirit. Added 1984-1987.

tínab ['tinab] (location): n. a holy place, a place inhabited by a spirit. Added 1984-1987.

tíncë ['tinkwe] (weather): n. lightning. Added 1984-1987.

tínidë ['tinide] (mind): v. to remember. Added 1984-1987.

tírrde ['TIRDÈ] ['tirdE] (animals): n. bird. Added 1984-19860316.

títa ['tita] (light effects): v. to sparkle. Added 1984.

-tö TO] [to] (adpositions): adp., suff. along, beside. Added 20000330.

-tö TO] [to] (grammar, verbs): pron., suff. those. Added 20070127.

tóca ['TOCA] ['tokwa] (animals): n. hoof. Added 20070914.

tóclë ['tokle] (wh-words): adv. at a different time. Added 20040811.

tödísö [TO'DISO] [to'diso] (space): v. be located beside, from -tö, dísö. Added 20050122.

tödisödà [TODISO'DA] [todiso'da] (space): v. place aside, from tödísö, -dà. Added 20050122.

tófli ['TOFLI] ['tofli] (wh-words): adv. elsewhere; at a different place from; a different place, loosely from tó-, fíli. Added 20081208.

tóhlir ['TOHLIR] ['toKi4] (wh-words): adv. for a different reason; because of something else. Added 20140311.

tóho ['tohO] (wh-words): adv. therefore. Added 20040815.

tóia ['toja] (comparisons): adv. as. Added 1984-1987.

töl- [TOL [tol] (comparisons): adj., pref. long (physically). See also pa-. Added 20070827.

tóla ['tola] (wh-words): adj. what. Added 1989-1990.

tólic ['tolik] (wh-words): adv. by a different force. Added 20081208.

tólic ['TOLIC ['tolik] (adpositions): adp. until. Added 1984-1987.

tölíö [to'lio] (wh-words): adj. what, which; demonstrative pronoun, and relative pronoun. Added 1984-19860316.

tólis ['tolis] (wh-words): adv. by a different method. Added 20081208.

tóm ['tom] (comparisons): n. part. Added 1989-1990.

tómli ['tomli] (wh-words): adj. another. Added 20070802.

tómliö ['tomlio] (wh-words): n. the other thing, a different thing. Added 20040811.

tóni ['toni] (physical): v. blow; metaphorically, to happen, transpire, be going on in this moment. Added 1989-1990.

tönidà [TONI'DA] [toni'da] (physical): v. blow (something) away, from tóni, -dà. Added 20020421.

töpà [TO'PA] [to'pa] (animals): n. a fish's tail. Added 20070914.

tópat ['topat] (space): v. to extend. Added 20060302.

tópëm ['topem] (wh-words): pron. the other person, a different person. Added 20040811.

tòr [TÒR] ['tO4] (numbers): num. three. Added 1984-1987.

törà [to'4a] (change): v. to begin. Added 1984-1987.

tòrcë ['tO4kwe] (artifacts): n. a stake. Added 20000330.

tòrkü ['TÒRKU] ['tO4kju] (shapes): n. triangle, from tòr, kú. Added 20090107.

tòron ['tO4On] (perception): n. reek, stench, extremely unpleasant (and usually strong) smell of waste or death. Added 20070815.

tótö ['TOTO] ['toto] (artifacts): n. ball, sphere. Added 20130806.

tötún [TOT'UN] [to'tun] (plants): n. bulb (root of a plant), from tótö, ún. Added 20130806.

tövér [to've4] (motion): v. move along, go along next to, follow (as a river), from -tö, vér. Added 20090705.

-tra TRA] [t4a] (adpositions): adp., suff. between. Added 20000221.

trahartétë [TRAAR'TETE] [t4aha4'tete] (interactions): v. interact, from -tra, artétë. Added 20020421.

trahartëtépia [TRAAR'TETEPIA] [t4aha4te'tepia] (interactions): n. interaction, from -tra, artétë, -pi, -a. Added 20020421.

trahóvi [t4a'hovi] (comparisons): adj. heavy, slumbrous. Added 1984-1987.

tró [T'RO] [t'4o] (artifacts): v. weave. Added 1984-1987.

trúbet [t'4ubEt] (portentousness): n. omens. Added 1984-1987.

túm ['TUM ['tum] (artifacts): n. drum. Added 20040809.

túmüla ['tumula] (portentousness): n. röndàlia. Added 1984-1987.

tý- ['TY ['ti] (spirit): part., pref. signifies reverence. Added 1984-1987.

týa ['TYA] ['tia] (cosmos): n. light. Added 1984.

týacit ['tiakwit] (plants): n. crocuses. Added 198604.

tyài [t'jai] (comparisons): adj. light. Added 1984-1987.

týakes ['TYAKÈS ['tiakEs] (cosmos): n. color "piece of light", from týa, -kes. Added 20020905.

tyaléa [TYA'LEA] [tia'lea] (animals): n. butterfly ("color-wing"), from týa, aléa. See also sachiléa. Added 20090101.
Example: tyaléan sòthanba narifàp'të.

tyàli [t'jali] (comparisons): adj. true "with light". Added 20030529.

týasíma ['tia'sima] (cosmos): n. rainbow, from týa, síma. Added 1984-1987.

týasimài ['tiasi'mai] (cosmos): adj. rainbowlike. Added 1984-1987.

tycàlë [ti'kwale] (religion): v. to perform a sacrifice, from ty-, càlë. Added 1984-19860316.

tých ['tix] (portentousness): n. magic. Added 1984-1987.

týchi ['tixi] (portentousness): adj. magic. Added 1984-1987.

tycilité [tikwili'te] (interactions): v. honor in a sacred way, from ty-, cilité. Added 20070127.

týg ['TYG ['tig] (plants): n. wildflower glossed as "blue stars". Added 198604.

-týl 'TYL ['til] (comparisons): adj., suff. a good X (after vowels), loosely from týli. -atýl is used after consonants, -týl after vowels. See also -dól. Added 20070824.

tylakèp [tila'kEp] (language): v. to receive happily, to receive well; used in written closings. Added 20061231.
Example: tylakèhlpë'fö - may you (pl.) receive it well.

týlch ['tilx] (spirit): n. goddess, divine being. Added 1984-19860316.

týlchi ['tilxi] (spirit): adj. goddesslike, divine, from týlch, -i. Added 1984-1987.

tyléaty [TY'LEATY] [ti'leati] (spirit): n. spirit. Added 1984-1987.

týli ['tili] (comparisons): adj. good. Added 20070824.

týlici ['tilikwi] (body): adj. healthy. Added 20040203.

tylícia [ti'likwia] (body): n. health, from týlici, -a. Added 20070127.

týlya ['tilja] (mind): n. mental clarity. Added 1984-1987.

tymàla [TY'MALA] [ti'mala] (interactions): v. intervene on someone's behalf without being asked; bestow a favor upon someone; support someone's efforts. See also dömàla. Added 20110718 .

tymàmr [ti'mam4] (people): n. mother. Added 20040203.

typàpë [ti'pape] (people): n. father. Added 20040203.

týpatatë ['tipatate] (religion): v. to pray, from ty-, pàtatë. Added 20030529.

týra ['ti4a] (emotions): n. happiness, joy. Added 20040815.

týrai ['ti4ai] (emotions): adj. happy, joyful, from týra, -i. Added 20040815.

týraisö ['ti4aiso] (emotions): v. to be happy, to be joyful, from týra, -i, -sö. Added 20040815.

tyraisödà [TYRAISO'DA] [ti4aiso'da] (emotions): v. make happy, make joyful, from týra, -i, -sö, -dà. Added 20040815.

týri ['ti4i] (comparisons): adj. the right way, correct. See also dóri. Added 20070127.

týria ['ti4ia] (emotions): n. righteousness, from týri, -a. Added 20070127.

tytàva [ti'tava] (interactions): v. bless, give good fortune, from ty-, tàva. See also dötàva. Added 20070127.

tytavàfia [TYTA'VAFIA] [tita'vafia] (spirit): n. blessing, good fortune given, from tytàva, -fi, -a. Added 20070127.

týtelü ['titElu] (artifacts): n. gem, jewel ("bright-stone"). Added 20030507.

týtës ['tites] (people): n. leader. Added 1989-1990.

tytitàpia [TYTI'TAPIA] [titi'tapia] (cosmos): n. star ("sparkler"; formal or religious speech), from ty-, títa, -p, -i, -a. See also téti. Added 1984-1987.

tytív [ti'tiv] (location): n. paradise, heaven, immaterial world, from tý-, -tív. See also dödív. Added 1984-1990.

týtiv ['titiv] (location): n. wilderness (new meaning?). Added 20000221.

týtren ['tit4En] (spirit): n. belief, sacred knowledge, from ty-, tèrena. Added 20081118.

tývi ['tivi] (comparisons): adj. nice. Added 1989-1990.

'U] ['u] (grammar, nouns): part., suff. augmentive. Added 1984.

úchar ['UXAR] ['uxa4] (calendar): n. month six. Added 1984-19860316.

úchër ['uxe4] (artifacts): n. cord or braid. Added 20070417.

úchra ['ux4a] (artifacts): n. thread. Added 20070417.

üchràt [ux'4at] (artifacts): v. to craft something of cord. Added 20070417.

üchratàt [ux4a'tat] (artifacts): v. to craft something of thread. Added 20070417.

üchrú [ux'4u] (artifacts): n. rope. Added 20070417.

úgol ['ugOl] (geography): n. west. Added 20020421.

ül- [UL [ul] (comparisons): adj., pref. difficult, hard, tough. Added 20070824.

ülcóm [ul'kom] (comparisons): n. hard thing, difficult thing, from ül-, cóm. Added 20080424.

üléia U'LEIA] [u'leja] (comparisons): n. difficulty, from ül-, ésö, -i, -a. Added 20080424.

ùn ['N] ['@n] (pronouns): pron. 3rd p. s. (it). Added 1984.

ún ['UN] ['un] (plants): n. root, the root of a plant; also blood vessel. Added 20130806.

úna 'UNA] ['una] (plants): n. rootlet, filamentous root; capillary, from ún, -a. Added 20130806.

ünú U'NU] [u'nu] (plants): n. taproot, main root of a plant; also major artery or vein, from ún, -ú. Added 20130806.

úpla ['upla] (kinship): n. girl's (marriageable) male cross-cousin via sisími. Added 20081219.

ùr ['R] ['@4] (artifacts): n. iron. Added 20080322.

urtàt [@4'tat] (artifacts): v. to forge. Added 1984-1987.

úshla ['uSla] (body): n. hair, from sëlà. Added 20070914.

-v V [v] (grammar, verbs): part., suff. perfective aspect (after vowels). Added 1984-1987.

va- [VA [va] (grammar, verbs): adv., pref. for a long time; unlike íö, means long in a going-forward sense. Added 20091129.
Example: enèdnö cilvépia, na-cíltirisöp'n, vatèdeniac'faë ankàln'n.

vakólëda [va'kjoleda] (interactions): v. save, rescue, from -ba, kól, -dà. Added 20081118.

vamé [va'me] (plants): n. vinca blossom. See also méba. Added 198604.

vàrn ['va4n] (artifacts): n. a ship. Added 20060302.

vàrth ['va4T] (geography): n. south. Added 1984-1987.

vénër ['VENER] ['vene4] (motion): n. vehicle, transport, cart, from vér, -n-. Added 20110630 .

vér ['VER] ['ve4] (motion): v. go, travel in space; refers to a change in location without consideration of the manner of going; may be used metaphorically for decision or action. See also géla. Added 1984-1987.

vërdà [ve4'da] (motion): v. propel, throw, drive, send, from vér, -dà. Added 20040815.

vërlér [VER'LER] [ve4'le4] (motion): v. move over or in water; swim, sail, from vér, lér. Added 20111215.

vièl [vi'El] (geography): n. city; place, habitation; settlement of humans. Added 1984.

vièla [vi'Ela] (geography): n. village, small town, from vièl, -a. Added 1984.

vielú [viE'lu] (geography): n. country, kingdom, nation, from vièl, -ú. Added 1984.

-vin VIN] [vin] (adpositions): adp., suff. for. Added 1984-1987.

vinartétë [VINAR'TETE] [vina4'tete] (interactions): v. support, champion, from -vin, artétë. Added 20001006.

víta ['vita] (location): n. hall. Added 20040809.

víti ['viti] (having): v. take (from), abduct, catch, snatch. Added 20040203.

['VO] ['vo] (pronouns): pron. 2nd p. p. (you). Added 20020421.

-vü VU] [vu] (mental): v., suff. to find something to be X; when passive, to seem to be X (after vowels). -vü is used after vowels, -ëvü after consonants. Added 20070904.
Example: artëlarafàsavü: to find to be laughable; cöshmölítövü: to find to be easy.

yi- [YI [ji] (grammar, verbs): adv., pref. signifies doing to completion. Added 20020421.

yiàlacli [YI'ALACLI] [ji'alakli] (comparisons): adj. youngest, from yi-, àlacli. Added 1989-1990.

yicé [ji'kwe] (mind): v. to study, to master, from yi-, kicèp. Added 20080424.

yihàla [ji'hala] (change): v. complete, finish; do in full, from yi-, hàla. Added 20040321.

yiladadà [YILA'DADA] [jilada'da] (physical): v. wash completely away, from yi-, ladadà. Added 20020421.

yilíri [YI'LIRI] [ji'li4i] (comparisons): adj. most, loosely from yi-, líryi. Added 1984-1987.

yinúra [YI'NURA] [ji'nu4a] (perception): v. find, from yi-, núra. Added 20040811.

yír ['YIR] ['ji4] (comparisons): n. all, everything. Added 1984-1987.

yirdúr [YIR'DUR] [ji4'du4] (emotions): v. stress over everything, from yír, -dúr. Added 20070816.
Example: yirdúria calëmàdüki: PMS; yirdúria màmi: anxiety of being a mom.

yirhàca [YIR'HACA] [ji4'hakwa] (physical): v. burn up, from yir-, hàca. Added 20020421.

yirhacadà [YIRHACA'DA] [ji4hakwa'da] (physical): v. burn (something) up, from yír, hàca, -dà. Added 20020421.

yirí [YI'RI] [ji'4i] (comparisons): adj. all, from yír, -i. Added 1989-1990.

yírkes ['ji4kEs] (comparisons): n. some, some amount, from yír, -kes. Added 20000330.

-yis [jis] (grammar, nouns): deriv., suff. "mass of", noun derivation. Added 20000330.

yishír [YI'SHIR] [ji'Si4] (change): v. grow up, mature, from yi-, shír. Added 20040321.

yisírö [YI'SIRO] [ji'si4o] (change): v. finish making, complete, from yi-, sírö. Added 20040321.

yískesi ['YISKÈSI] ['jiskEsi] (comparisons): adj. every, each, from -yis, -kes. Added 20000330.

yitönidà [YITONI'DA] [jitoni'da] (physical): v. blow completely away, from yi-, tönidà. Added 20020421.

ýrial ['i4ial] (spirit): n. spiritual essence. Added 1984-1987.

ýt- ['YT ['it] (grammar, verbs): adv., pref. may (optative mood). Added 1984-1987.

1290 entries, compiled 20151007 .