mërèchi glossary

Notes about orthography:

The mërèchi love diacritics. The diacritics are mostly meaningless (they encode vowel pronunciation as well as stress, but stress is not usually important and vowel pronunciation is rarely other than standard). If you cannot read them, the interlinear is presented diacritic-free, and the vocabulary includes diacritic-free versions of all the words.

The apostrophe is written by convention to indicate where certain prefixes and suffixes have been attached to a word. It is not pronounced.

All the vowels in the text presented have the standard values:

	a, à	/A/
	e, è	/E/
	ë, é	/e/
	o, ò	/O/
	ö, ó	/o/
	i, í	/i/
	u, ù	/U/
	ü, ú	/u/
Additionally, y in some contexts (and ý always) is /i/.

Consonants also have IPA values except:

	c	/k/
	ch	/x/
	hl	/l_0/
	sh	/S/
	y	/j/ (except after t, when it is /i/)

Key to symbols/Glossary:

ACC (accusative)

-c			after vowels

ADJ (adjectives)

àlacli (alacli)		young
sénësi (senesi)		empty
yíri (yiri)		all

ADV (adverbs)

kàlis (kalis)		thus, that way

ART (articles)

à (a)			definite article, singular
àn (an)			definite article, plural

CONJ (conjunctions)

ní (ni)			but
të (te)			and

FT (future tense)

ki'-			before consonants

IMP (imperfective)

-ip, -ap		after consonants
-n			after liquids
-p			after vowels

N (nouns)

dëlachón (delachon)	dragon
delú (dElu)		stone
ëatýmia (eatymia)	living creature
gésë (gese)		pig
küéba (kueba)		sky
lúthi (luthi)		flower
nicsú (nicsu)		sword
tacilú (tacilu)		mountain
týa (tya)		light 
  tyàli (tyali)		true ("with light")
týtiv (tytiv)		holy place; Paradise

NEG (negation)

ka-			not

NOM (nominalizers)

na-			that which, he/she/they who; one who does

NOM.PR (nominal clause header)

ke (kE)			that, as in "that we did it"

PASS (passive voice)

-fà (-fa)

PL (plural)

-an			after consonants
-n			after vowels

POST (postpositions)

-ash			on (takes accusative)
-icüm (-icum)		in
-li			with

PRON (pronouns; can be suffixed or standalone)

-n			third person, singular, neuter or unknown (after vowels)
-të (-te)		third person, plural
-un (-Un)		third person, singular, neuter or unknown (after consonants)

PT (past tense)

t'-			before vowels
të'- (te'-)		before consonants

SUB (subordinating conjunctions)

hróvin (hrovin)		because

V (verbs)

bòntë (bOnte)		to hit
cílvë (cilve)		to come
déla (dela)		to leave
ésö (eso)		be (copula); subject & object both take nominative
fòranic (fOranic)	to break into pieces, to cut apart
nalàli (nalali)		to play, to do as one pleases
nàri (nari)		to become
shír (shir)		to grow
yihàla (yihala)		to complete
yishír (yishir)		to grow up, to mature, to finish growing
yisírö (yisiro)		to finish making