mërèchi grammar notes

The grammar defaults to English-like unless otherwise specified.

Mërèchi features postpositional phrases (just like prepositional only backwards). Overall sentence structure is SOV, and adjectives follow the noun.

Verbs take a tense or mood prefix, an aspect suffix, and a pronoun/agreement suffix. Pronouns can either be suffixed to verbs (if they are the subject of the sentence or are agreeing with a noun in subject position) or can occur elsewhere with an accusative or postpositional suffix. If the sentence appears to have no subject, the subject is the pronoun on the verb.

The relative pronoun na, if it is the subject of the subclause, becomes a prefix to the verb; otherwise it stands alone and can take case suffixes and postpositions.

New words created for this ring:

yisírö to finish making
hàla to do, yihàla to complete
gésë pig
nicsú sword
bòntë, to hit
fòranic, to break, to cut apart
yishír grow up
nàri to become