A well-known work in classical mërèchi, which has been extensively studied.
níltë pëdélamnödélap'da míri,
lóp'a pëdélam'da.
édla, ëlérü,
hró riba d'ésö'fa,hró riv ësóp'fa?
kímo pëfóram'fa,
làtemi ùngë
élaten p'àssim'r,
kímo pëfóram.
nílte pedélamnodélapda míri,
lópa pedélamda.
édla, eléru,
rhó ríba désofa,rhó rív esópfa?
kímo pefóramfa,
látEmi Únge
élatEn pássimr,
kímo pefóram.
níltë | pë- | déla | -m | -nö |
song | ACT. PT | leave | ACT. PT | -of |
song | of leaving |
déla | -p | -da | míri, |
leave | PRES. | 2ND PS | again |
you leave | again, |
ló | -p | -a | pë- | déla | -m | -da. |
watch | PRES. | 1ST PS | ACT. PT | leave | ACT. PT | 2ND PS |
I watch | you leaving. |
édla, | ëlérü, |
goodbye, | farewell, |
hró | riba | d- | ésö | -fa, |
why | thus | should | COP. | 1ST PP |
why | should we be thus, |
hró | riv | ësó | -p | -fa? |
why | always | COP. | PRES. | 1ST PP |
why | always | are we? |
kímö | pë- | fóra | -m | -fa, |
forever | ACT. PT | part | ACT. PT | 1ST PP |
forever | are we parting, |
làtem | -i | ùn | gë |
tree | -like | 3RD PS INAN. | POSS. |
like a tree | its |
élat | -en | p- | àss | -im | -r, |
leaf | PL. | ACT. PT | lose | ACT. PT | 3RD PS |
leaves | losing, |
kímö | pë- | fóra | -m. |
forever | ACT. PT | part | ACT. PT |
forever | parting. |
This text may well represent the first appearance in the corpus of the later form of the active participle (and sometimes gerund), the circumfix pë...im (shortened to p...m in the presence of vowels). Experts are divided on whether this text or the chant of goddesses, àn tylchàn, which also uses this form, came first.
The pë...im form exhibits remarkable flexibility, being used in some circumstances as a gerund (cf. níltë pëdélamnö, in which the gerund takes the genitive marker), in others as an active participle (kímö pëfóram), and in yet others as the imperfective of the verb, taking a pronomial suffix as if it were a verb form (pëfóram'fa).
Words which first appear in this text:
We also note that this text uses the obligative mood prefix -d, as first set forth in the early classical verb tense documents, but without the ending -p as demonstrated there.
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Last updated: 4/22/2002